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Bhargav's POV


"Eyyy Bhargavaa!!"

"Is he still sleeping?", I felt a pat on my cheek making me open my eyes and look at my sister. 

"What is your problem, Janaki? You know that I'm unwell", I asked her annoyed.

"I know that. But your beloved mother wants you to get up. It is almost dark. Wait! Did you do you Sandhyavandana?", she asked. My eyes widened and I threw the blanket away to run to freshen up. I changed into clean clothes and took the necessary things for it and ran to the river. As expected, I was late and my father was already there. I kept my belongings on a mat and sat down beside him. He had his eyes closed while doing Pranayam but said," Late again"

I looked up slowly to find him already looking at me and replied," Pita ji, you know that I am unwell-"

"That is not a reason to skip this holy ritual! It is a great thing that a traitor like yourself gets to live after everything you have said and done against our king. At least wash off your sins like this", he scolded. He left soon and I completed my work there and started my journey back home. This was the way I had always been treated since I came back from Gurukul. No smile, no kind words. Just orders and commands. All because I said something "wrong" about their king. 

Once I reached home, I found the doors closed and knocked on it. There was no response so I knocked again. "Are you happy now?", I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to find my father's friend, " The soldiers have taken him. And your mother and your siblings", my belongings dropped to the ground. "What sin did he do to get you as his son? You are a menace to this kingdom. I really hope you die and set those poor souls free", my eyes were filled with tears but I ran out of the house towards the palace. My feet landed on many sharp things stinging it but it was the least of my concerns at that moment.

Once I reached the palace, the guards weirdly let me in and even called someone to lead me to the king. I walked behind him while sweat dripped down my chest. We reached a dark looking chamber where I saw my sisters on their knees and that bastard near Janaki while she had he eyes closed tightly. 

"Stay away from her, you monster!!", I yelled and ran towards them but his guards held me in a tight hold not letting me run to them. "Oh! Look who it is! It is this swine who decided to finally arrive", he said as he walked towards me. "You have an issue with me not them. Let them go", I said angrily. He laughed loudly and said, "You think I'll take orders from you? A brahmin? Who only knows how to do Puja and decorate stones in so called temples?", his guards laughed. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT ME. BUT KEEP MY CASTE AND MY GOD OUT OF YOUR FILTHY TONGUE!!", I yelled. He slapped me hard across my face and said," There are only two people in this kingdom who speak to me like this. One is rotting in the dungeons and this other one will join that bitch soon"

Suddenly Janaki yelled," No!! Please don't do that, your majesty. I'm begging you. I apologize for him. Please! I will make sure he never does this again. Please give him a chance", he turned to look at her and then back at me and whispered," She begs well", and winked making his men laugh. Anger flowed through each and every nerve in me and I struggled to set myself free. I saw him walk up to her, stand in front of her and lift her face with his sword on her chin and said," You do look very pretty from up here"

"Maharaj, the procedure is complete", a guard announced. He looked at me all of a sudden and said, "Bring them in. This is going to be fun!!", he ordered his guard and the others to let me and my sisters go. Once they were standing and the whole place looked like everything was completely normal, the guard came back with my parents who were quiet happy about something. "Oh! It is a good thing that you both agreed. It will mean a lot to the kingdom", he said. My father laughed and said," Anything for the kingdom, sir". I was sure something unfortunate had happened before I had gotten here. "Ok. So guard, escort them to the prison", my father's smile vanished and he asked," Prison? My lord, I think I heard it wrong", he laughed and replied. 

"Oh! No. You heard it completely right. Because of the words your son said to me in the temple two years ago while I was leaving for the war, the rumors he spread about me being a dishonest and foolish king and for harming one of my men tonight," he turned to look at a man who I had never ever seen in my whole life and he showed a bruise and a cut on his arm," I announce five years in prison for Bhargav's family", gasps were heard as he continued," And as for him, he will be beheaded by the king that is, me, tonight", I heard my sisters scream as they were all taken away. 

I collapsed on the ground. My whole life which was moving in the right direction just lost one of it's wheels. I regretted my decision of speaking up for a moment but then realized that it was my basic right. "First I am going to kill you. Then your father, then your mother and then I'm gonna make your sister my whore and save the little one for later. But before all that, you need to go", he said. All the anger and years of misery played through my mind. From being called a weak brahmin to hearing all that about my own sisters. The anger hidden in each and every corner of my body gathered and I decided to put an end to it all. 

I stood up and looked right into his eyes. "I am done with being calm", he took a step back. "I am done with being patient", he gestured a guard to attack me and when he was near enough, I grabbed his neck and pressed it until I heard a crack," I am done with listening to someone else", two more men ran towards me and I punched one right in his face and took his sword from his hands to behead the other. "I am done with fearing for my family", more men attacked me and held me this time while he stood away. I pushed the sword through a guy and picked up his sword to push it into another man. I dodged the attack of another guy and used my fist to hit him on his jaw. I saw them collapse on the floor. 

I looked around to find me and him alone in the chamber, "I am done being an unhappy citizen", I could see the visible fear in his eyes as I walked towards him with my chest puffed up with anger. "I never said anything wrong to you. I pointed out your mistake five years ago and only spoke about it in front of everyone two years ago before the war when you did absolutely nothing to correct your mistake that could have collapsed the whole economy of our kingdom. From that day, you have been torturing me. Sometimes, it's you and other times it's your men. I am fed up of living like this", he fell on the ground as he stumbled upon something and crawled away from me. I picked up two sword from the ground and threw one at him. "Fight like a man. The one who lives gets the throne", I said. 

"T-the throne? Who do you think you are?"

"A man who was minding his own business until you decided to bring out the monster in him", he gulped.

"I never wanted the crown. I still don't. But I want you gone", I said and watched him stand up. He yelled loudly while attacking me and I clashed my sword against his immediately. He dragged his sword against mine and sparks flew as we looked into each other's eyes. He attacked again and my sword clashed with his sword again with a loud clash. I lunged forward avoiding his deadly sweep. The chamber echoed with the clashing and the metallic smell of blood thickened the air around us. 

We circled around each other, our eyes locked in a deadly focus, and I wasted no time in swinging the sword in my hands tearing the fabric and skin on his chest making him scream in pain. I swung my sword again and this time, pierced the back of his knees making him kneel in front of me. I watched the other soldiers surround us but he announced," No body interfere into this fight. I will be the one to end him", little did he know that would be the last thing he would ever say.


I like this guy already

I like him name more tho

Lots of loveee❤️


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