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WARNING : Mature scene ahead!! Continue only if you are above 18 years of age. 

Surabhi's POV

We heard her moan softly as she started to kiss him. Maharaj, who was beside me, was looking at me every few seconds, kept asking me what was happening. But I kept asking him to keep quiet and see what happens. As there was no moon out in the sky, it was easier for us to keep her eyes away from the guy who was pretending to be the dead king. The complete darkness in the chamber except for the two fire torches in the upper part of chamber gave us a dull look into what was happening. She was kissing him while she sat on him and was grinding against his manhood. It felt disgusting to watch someone else doing it. But I had no other choice. If I had to know what was happening, I had to stay and see what information I could get out of her. 

Her moans were getting louder but he was quiet like I had asked him to be for a while. "Are you still angry at me, my king?", she asked as her hips moved faster against his. Her hand moved to her shoulder and she dropped her saree which was covering her chest and fastened her movements even more making him groan a little. Maharaj looked away and sat down on the floor resting against the wall. I guessed it would take some time for her to open up and relaxed beside him. 

Their groans and moans grew louder signaling us what was about to happen and then they relaxed as if they had rode down the peak. "Ahhhh! I missed your touch so much", she moaned making me peak a little to see what they were doing. She was completely naked by then and only her jewelries were on her while he was too naked. Maharaj suddenly whispered," What the hell is going on, Pranahita?", I widened my eyes and moved back while covering his mouth. "Did you hear that-", the woman was cut off and I looked down to see he had moved her so that she was laying on the bed on her stomach. She moaned loudly while saying something while Chetan looked up at me while scolding me inaudibly. I joined my hands apologizing and gestured him to continue. 

I turned back to Maharaj and whispered ever so lowly, "This is very important for me. Keep very quiet or else, I will have to bang your head onto something and knock you out", he looked at me with a strange emotion and that is when I realized what position we were in. I had one of my knees in between his thighs and my hands were on his shoulder while I almost sat on one of his thighs. The moans and the sound of clapping skin from downstairs had gotten louder and sultrier making me gulp. When I tried to move away from him, he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer than ever and pulled me down to sit on his hips.

I gasped when I felt him against my core which was already wet. I didn't know if it was for what we were watching or her seductive moans or something else, I had lost control and even when his hands roamed from the base of my spine to my neck, I did not protest or move away. Our faces were close and he was breathing audibly making my insides clench in pleasure. "Ahhhhhh!! Maharaj, slow down", she moaned making me wish it were me and the guy I was sitting on instead of them for a second. "Ahhhh! Adityaaaa, it feels so good. Oh my- Ahh oh don't stop, Adityaaaaaa", my whole form stilled for a second. I moved away from Maharaj and peaked down to look at her. Her legs were wrapped around his waist while she was still on her stomach on the bed while he thrusted in and out of her in quick movements. She continued to take my brother's name a few more times and almost screamed it a few times but I sat there even if it felt disgusting. 

This continued for a few more minutes and when she was panting like a dog in heat, and couldn't move, like I had asked him to, Chetan made her sleep beside him in his arms and started to speak like the dead king," It doesn't matter how angry I am, you always know how to make me happy", making her scrunch up her eyebrows. I feared if she had observed the difference in his voice," Why do you sound different, Maharaj?", she asked making me face palm myself and fear what he would say. He laughed and told how he wasn't feeling very well and handled it smoothly. "I knew something was off the moment I walked in. I wish I could fire your stupid attendees", she said and again sat on him and this time, her back was turned away from us and we could see her naked self more clearly making me face-palm again. 

"Who will take care of me then? Will you?", he asked while she moaned and then they started again. "I have been telling you, Maharaj. Make use of that bitch in the dungeons. Make her your slave and treat her like one", she gritted her teeth while she talked about me. " Make her life living hell. She was very proud of who she was. She still is. And I want to break that. I want her to suffer until her last breath for making me lose. Like her family is suffering everyday because of her loss", she moved faster on him but this time it was different. Maharaj looked at me and he had guessed who she was talking about.

"Yeah? What shall I do with her?", Chetan asked out of breath. "Make her your slave. Make her your sex slave. Treat her like a whore and nothing more than that. She was considered to be the most beautiful princess in Akhandadesh after her dear sister-in-law", Maharaj's head snapped towards me as I closed my eyes tightly knowing that my cover had been blown. "Reduce her beauty to nothing. Mark her with your sword. Fuck her day and night and show her what she really deserves. Throw her around and treat her like she is nothing to you. And one fine day, when she is of no use, kill her", she said and moaned in pleasure.

I sat against the wall as everything started to make sense. This woman was the reason I was kidnapped. She had something against my family and that is why she had used the help of the dead king and was trying to hurt us. All these years of torture and she was the one behind it. Tears rolled down my face as I silently sobbed for what I had just heard. I cried hearing what she had planned for me and what would have happened to me if at the right time, Maharaj hadn't conquered the kingdom. Their moans died down and I guessed it was I could get and was about to ask Maharaj to sneak out with me when I heard Chetan ask," I have never asked this to you before but today, I want to know. What made you hate her so much? Who is she to you?"

It was very quiet for sometime until she said," She is the sister of someone who had to become mine but because of my stupidity, I lost him to some bitch and I just couldn't see him happy. If he should find happiness, it should be with me or else he doesn't get to be happy at all", she said shocking Chetan. "What is she to you then?", he asked again. She looked at the ceiling as she slept beside him and said, "She is Rajkumari Surabhi, the second sister of Maharaj Aditya of Ratnagarbha. My Aditya who should have been the son-in-law of Hamsanaada. Who should have been my husband. Who should have been this Mrinalini's husband", she said pointing at herself making me realize who she really was.


Mrinalini's back!!!!😮

Do you remember who she was?

What do you think will happen now???

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Lots of loveeeeeee❤️


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