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I used to think everything happened for a reason, this changed once I had my heart ripped from my chest by my supposed best friend. Let's rewind.

It's 1863, the men are at war and it's just the women at home now.

"Just pick one." My best friend Katherine says with an inpatient tone standing in front of a mirror trying on what feels like the millionth dress

"Fine, the maroon one." I say rolling my eyes and pointing at the purplish dress laying on Katherine's bed

"Hmmm not that one." She turns around motioning the maid to get her another dress

"I don't know. You already have my brothers wrapped around your fingers, I'm the one that needs to look good considering my dear mother keeps bothering me about marriage." I say rolling my eyes

"No offense but your brothers are gone and I'm bored, now pick a dress And Tell your mother to shush, the men aren't even home anymore they're all at war, what does she expect you do?" She grins turning to face the mirror again.

"I'll pick you a dress tomorrow. Speaking of mother, she wants me home before dinner. I have to go." I say turning around to leave.

The last thing I remember is falling to the ground, my head banging against the floor and the house maids all looking at Kathrine in shock and disgust.

When I wake up I'm cold and it's dark all around, I don't know where I am or what's happening.

"Good morning sleepy head, you were out for forever, I was beginning to think you were actually dead" Katherine says chuckling. I follow her voice and see her sitting by a lantern on the other side of wherever I am.

"Where am I, Katherine? what's happening? What. Did. You. Do." I say looking at her with fury visible in my face and voice.

That's when I feel it. It feels like I can hear every living thing on the planet breathing. It feels like I haven't eaten in years but the thought of food makes me want to vomit, I don't know what I'm craving but I feel like If I don't have it in the next few minutes then I'll rip someone's head off.

"Cici sweetie, I thought you were smarter then this." She chuckles.

The next thing that happens I don't really know how to explain but she looks me in my eyes and tells me something and all of a sudden I know exactly what's happening, I'm a vampire.

The immortal life of Cecilia Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now