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Me and Elena are in my car listening to some boring but kind of catchy song Elena put on.

"So your Stefan and Damon's sister?" Elena says trying to make small talk.

I roll my eyes a little by the annoying and obvious question.

"Yes, I am." I say

"Younger or older?" Elena says.

Rude, do I not look younger then both Damon and Stefan? Of course I do, I look amazing. She's mad at me, Stefan has been talking about me.

"Younger" I turn up the music as a not so subtle hint to stop talking.

A few hours go by and I have no hope of finding Stefan, apparently Elena "knows him so well" and can use her spidey senses to sense him out? Idk.

"Here, pull over." She points at a bar a few towns away from mystic falls.

As soon as I pull over I can tell something is seriously wrong. The smell of human flesh becomes overwhelming and obnoxious. Oh shit.

As we walk into the door it's a truly horrifying scene, even for a vampire.

There are body's everywhere, Stefan has definitely been here.

I look over at Elena to see her reaction to this mess, not good.

"Omg. Stefan can't be here. there's no way he can be like one of...them" she says pointing to a body, her face already wet with tears.

Well that's the truth considering he literally cannot die, but she doesn't know that.

"Elena, go outside." I say

She doesn't think twice and leaves immediately.

I walk in further to try to find the brother I once tried to kill.

As I turn the corner I see Stefan sitting in a chair near the bar with a girl in his lap draining her of her blood.

"Stefan." I say, I know he's mad at me and for very good reason so I have to be careful with what I say.

"Ah.. the sister that tried to kill me, for the second time!" Stefan smiles at me with blood dripping down his chin. 

"here for a third try?"  He says with an annoying smile.

"Stefan...I'm sorry." I say, and I mean it too. I don't know why I listened to Kathrine, yeah I feel bad for Kathrine but I would never do that to my brother if anyone else told me to.

"Oh yeah? Well I don't forgive you and now your going to watch me fall apart, just like I did in the 20's" he says resting his feet on the seat next to his.

"Stefan please don't. You definitely don't have to do it for me but don't you love Elena enough to do it for her?"  I try to negotiate.

"I don't love her." Stefan says

"Stefan please I know you, I know you love her. It isn't really a secret. And I don't know why I did what I did." I say still filled to the brim with guilt.

"Oh please, you listened to Kathrine because your sired to her!" He says completely ignoring what I said about Elena.

"What." I say.

I feel like I can't breath, I feel like my lungs just shrunk 4 four sizes, I feel like my feet are cemented into the ground and there's a huge possibility that I'll stay like that the rest of eternity, I have to leave immediately.

I run out of the bar using my vamp speed, faster then I ever have before.

And I don't stop until I reach New Orleans.

The immortal life of Cecilia Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now