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As I walk into Willa's sanctuary I'm hit with a wave of nostalgia.

I need to find Willa she would know how to break the sire bond.

as I'm looking around I see a piece of paper on a table that reads "in loving memory of Willa mcfee" oh shit. It also has the date of her death, 1962.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. it's not about me not getting the cure to the side bond, it's because I lost pretty much the only person that cared about me, and I didn't even know it.

The whole world stops spinning and I feel like I can no longer breath.

My silence is broken by a women in her late 60's tapping me on the shoulder, I turn around.

"can I help you?" She says sweetly.

"Sorry to bother, I was looking for Willa but I can see that I am far to late." I say tears stinging my eyes.

"Are you Cici?" She says.

"Um yeah, that's me." I say.

"Come with me." She takes my hand and pulls me behind the bar into Willa's old office.

As soon as we get in there I sit down curious of what this women could possibly know about me.

"Willa's my sister, she has told me a lot about you." She says.

I didn't know Willa had a sister.

"Good things I hope." I smile awkwardly.

"Yes" she laughs a laugh exactly like Willa did.

"Willa left a spell book for you before she died, she said that if you ever showed up like you did then I should give it to you." She says handing me a large heavy book.

"It should have everything you need, I'm sorry for your loss but I wish you would've tried to visit my sister before now." She looks disappointed.

"Now you need to leave."

                      ~NEW ORLEANS 1954~

I've been staying with Willa for a year now, we still don't know who's coming after me. We've tried everything, Willa preforms more spells on a daily basis more than I can can count but whoever is hunting me obviously knows how to not be caught.

A few months ago whoever it was started leaving notes around Willa's house, I found the first one in the bushes.

DEAR, Cecilia Salvatore.
You've escaped me far to many times Cici, stop running.

As you can see very vague.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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