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Do my legs feel like they are going to fall off? Yes.
Is sitting down and resting an option for me? No.
Why? Because my heart feels like my heart will fall out of my chest at any moment.

I don't know why I came to New Orleans, I guess because all the good witches are here and I will not live another day being sired to Kathrine.

I've spent a long time in New Orleans, about 53 years long. What I've gathered from it is that there's a shit ton of vampires there, really good seafood, and in my opinion the best witch in the world.

Her name is or was Willa mcfee, I met her in the 50's at a bar named "Willa's sanctuary"

                      ~NEW ORLEANS 1954~
                 ~Location: Willa's sanctuary~

It's 1954, I'm in New Orleans which quickly became my favorite place on earth after what I tried to do to Stefan mostly because the population is so high that no one really notices if anyone dies and there's to many deaths that the police don't really investigate, there's also really good seafood.

I'm in a bar sitting on a random handsome mans lap who also talks entirely to loud and who I'm planning on eating for a late night snack.

It's loud in hear, I hear the laughter of lady's chatting about their day, I hear the tapping of shoes hitting the ground as people dance, I hear the blood pumping through everyone in this bar's body.

Something I also hear is the sound of glass shattering and people screaming all around me.

"Everyone shut up and get on the ground, this is a robbery!" A large man says with a gun placed in his hands.

What a waste of my time, A robbery really?

I could really just walk out of here completely unharmed but looking like a hero right now and getting free drinks for life sounds a little better to me right now.

"Please, stop wasting your time and get out of here. You aren't getting any money."  I say to the robber not leaving my seat, looking at him in his eyes.

"A brave women aren't you?" He raises his gun to point at my head.

Obviously I'm not scared of a bullet to the head, it's not like I'm going to be even phased (or so i thought)

I hear a loud bang and then nothing, everything goes black.

I wake up on a table, it's dark but only a few candles light up the things I can see, this place looks old and dusty as if no one has been here in a while.

As soon as try to get up there's a restriction around my wrists and ankles.

What the fuck is going on.

A few moments go by and a women enters the room, I saw her at the bar...last night?

"Who are you, what am I doing here?" I say panicked and confused.

"Relax, you can leave if you want." She says unhooking my restraints.

"You should be thanking me though, you were going to die." She says

"Promise you I would've been fine, I'm a vampire." I stand up and say to her.

Usually in any other setting I would have absolutely never said that but in New Orleans basically everyone's a vampire or a witch.

"Actually no, the bullets that man used were wooden so you would've died, and I'm pretty sure that man was looking for you. Did he look familiar?" She says looking at me.

"No, he didn't. But Maybe he sent someone to kill me." I say

"You should probably stick with me for a while just incase, I'm a witch if you haven't noticed." She says

"Yeah I gathered that." I smile

The immortal life of Cecilia Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now