~MYSTIC FALLS~ (part 2)

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The dagger in my left hand is now in the air about to stab Stefan in the back, through the heart.

There is so many things running through my head, am I really going to do this? Apparently not.

Just as I'm about to kill Stefan a hand grabs the dagger out of my hand.

Damon is there holding the dagger in his hand.

"Hello brother and sister." Damon says with a smirk.

Stefan turns around with a world of hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I say, tears are in my eyes. The truth is I am sorry but I would do it again if I had the chance. I don't know why.

Stefan storms out without a word.

"Low blow sister, low blow." Damon says while taking a drink of his freshly poured glass of bourbon.

"Why are you back?" I say in an almost angry tone.

"Well obviously you need me here if you're going to keep trying to kill our brother" he says with that stupid Damon tone.

"Maybe I'll switch brothers and try to kill you instead" I joke (I think)

His face drops "Funny, funny girl." 

"What are you doing here Damon?" I ask turning to him and looking him in the eyes warning him to not joke right now

"Who says I don't just want to see my favorite siblings?" He says obviously not getting my not so subtle hint

I give him a serious look.

He sighs. Usually when Damon sighs really dramatically it means he's being serious for once.

"I had just recently turned my humanity back on a few years ago and I did some things I now regret, some of those things I did to Lexi when she tried to help me recover. I need to apologize to Stefan." He says looking actually sincere.

"Then welcome home. I'll be in my room." I say as I walk out.

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