~The start of the new cici~

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I can hear everything, I hear Katherine's breathing in a pattern of in and out, I hear a flys wings buzzing fast in the corner of this unknown place, I hear my own blood flowing through my veins.

"What the hell did you do." I say anger and betrayal noticeable in my voice.

"Oh honey, I think you know" she says getting up from where she was sitting and walking over to me.

Katherine may be my best friend (or so I thought) but now all I want to do is to rip her throat out with my bare hands.

"You may not thank me now but trust me you will be in about 100 years give or take. Here, take this." She says handing me a glass of red liquid which I almost immediately recognize as human blood.

Before I can even think I take the glass and chug the whole thing as if my hands have a mind of their own.


The immortal life of Cecilia Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now