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The next morning as I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling with a load of guilt on my shoulders. Was I really going to kill my own brother?

Just as I plan to stay in my bed all day not eating, not moving, not talking to anyone, I here a quiet knock at the door.

"Hello? Can I come in, it's Elena." Stefan's girlfriend Elena says from behind the door

I groan quietly trying not to be rude

"Sure come in." I sit up in bed.

She comes in a stands by the door

"Have you seen Stefan today? I called him but he didn't pick up I figured he'd be here" she says looking actually concerned.

"No I'm sorry." I say wanting to talk about anything but this.

"Oh okay. Do you want to look for him with me?" She says looking hopeful, shit this poor girl doesn't know what she's getting into.

As much as I want to turn down her offer I feel like shit and I'll feel more like shit if I don't go look for him after I was the reason he left.

"Sure, we can take my car." I say getting out of bed.

The immortal life of Cecilia Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now