Part 3

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Somewhere on Zakmus.

Keller is attending to a man's wounds, Major Main. They are sitting next to a tree. Captain Reeves, a woman is walking in the forest, looking for something. There are fallen branches all around them. The woman comes back with a bag.

REEVES: How is he?
KELLER: I don't want to lie to you.
MAIN: Then don't.
KELLER: (Sighs) You have a sprained ankle, a broken arm, two broken ribs...
MAIN: (Shows his hand where there is a piece of wood that went through) And a whole freaking branch through my hand. Yeah. (Looks at Reeves) I'm so glad you asked, Corporal.
REEVES: How did you even end up there in the first place?
MAIN: (He looks above his head, Keller does the same. There are lots of broken branches in the tree) I have no idea. I just... woke up there, and then... I fell.
KELLER: That's quite a fall, Major. (Looks at the Reeves. Looks around them) Where do you think we are by the way?
REEVES: I don't have the slightest idea... (she throws a bag on the floor) Here, I found this. (Keller opens it and there is a first medical kit)
KELLER: Better than nothing I guess. (Looks at her) Thanks. (Reeves sits down next to them. She takes a bottle of water from the bag and hands it to Keller who shakes he head. She hands it to the marine, who shakes his head to say yes. She helps him to drink because he can't use his hands. He drinks a few sips and then hands it back to her. She drinks too)
MAIN: You wouldn't happen to have anything stronger, by any chance?
REEVES: Sorry, sir. (He smiles)
KELLER: Ok, I'm gonna have to remove this before it gets infected. (She looks worried and looks at him)
MAIN: Really? I... I thought I would keep it for a while, and see if I like it. (Keller smiles) No? (She shakes her head and starts to take the material from the bag) Very well. It's not like I have any other choice now, do I? (Keller looks at the woman.)
KELLER: Hold him tight? (Reeves grabs the Major's arm) This is gonna hurt Major.
REEVES: She means don't cry like a baby Kyle.
MAIN: Oh Reeves, you... (Keller removes the piece of wood. He screams) Ahhh, fuck doc... ! A little warning would have been nice!
KELLER: Sorry. In my experience, counting it down only makes it worse. (She starts to disinfect his wound) I'm really sorry.
MAIN: Hum... (Suffers in silence)
REEVES: Are you ok? (She has a small smile)
MAIN: You... (Hurts) Hum...
KELLER: I'm sorry I don't have anything to ease the pain.
MAIN: Hum hum.
REEVES: (Looks around, then at them) It's gonna be dark soon, we need to find a safer place for the night.
KELLER: What? No, Major Main can't walk.
REEVES: Sure, he can.
MAIN: Sure, I can.
KELLER: What about your leg?
MAIN: Nah it's just a sprain, I've had way worse than that.
REEVES: (Smile) Yeah, remember P5S102? (He laughs, then coughs. Keller looks at her)
KELLER: Do not make my patient laugh, please.
REEVES: Sorry. (She looks at the man, he raises his hand, to say it's ok) I'll go ahead and do some recon. (Looks at Keller) Be ready to move. (She leaves)
KELLER: (After a silence)You two seem close enough.
MAIN: Yeah, Reeves has been following me ever since military school. We worked together in Iraq, twice. Then Stargate Command for a couple of years, and now Atlantis. It's been a blast. (He pauses) She's a good soldier. (He looks at Keller) And a good friend. (Keller smiles)
KELLER: (Finishes the bandage) Done. How does it feel?
MAIN: As good as new. Thanks doc. And... sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to curse at you...
KELLER: (Smiles) Oh, it's fine. (She closes the bag, puts it on her back, and helps him to get up)
MAIN: I guess in some way, I'm lucky I ended up here with you. (They start to walk) Otherwise... (Reeves arrives in a rush)
REEVES: We're not alone. Footsteps, up ahead.
KELLER: Don't you think it could be one of ours? Colonel Sheppard, Rodney?
REEVES: No, they're too big to be humans. (She looks at Main. He pauses)
MAIN: Do you have my gun? (Reeves takes a 9mm from her pocket and shows it. Major Main moves his head to Keller. She nods and hands it to Keller)
KELLER: What is that supposed to mean?
MAIN: Do you know how to fire one of those, doc?
KELLER: Yes, but I do not enjoy it.
MAIN: I'm not asking you to. Now, please, take it. (She looks at him and hesitates. He shows his hands) Please. (She takes it. After a few seconds)
REEVES: (Looks at what's behind Keller and Main) Ok, change of plan. Be ready to run.
KELLER: (Gets nervous) What?
REEVES: Now! We've got wraith company. (She gestures for them to move. Keller looks back and sees 1 wraith walking in their direction)
KELLER: Oh my god!
REEVES: RUN!! (Keller and Main start to "run" as fast as they can. Reeves stays behind and fires at the wraith. She waits a moment and follows the other 2) Come on!!


On Atlantis.

Teyla arrives with Doctor Moore and others. Sam is there to welcome them. They all look sad.

SAM: Teyla. (She goes to her and greets her the Athosian way by putting her forehead against hers) I'm sorry about what happened.
TEYLA: Thank you, Colonel, so am I. (Moore looks at them, he is sad and disappointed. He waits a moment, then leaves)
SAM: Doctor Moore? (He pretends he didn't hear and keeps walking)
TEYLA: (She takes her arm) Please. He needs some time alone.
SAM: (Hesitates) I understand. (Looks at Teyla, after a silence) I still can't believe they're gone...
TEYLA: Grief is a long process, Colonel Carter. But we need to be here for one another.
SAM: I know. (She takes her hand. Colonel Caldwell arrives) Colonel Caldwell.
CALDWELL: Colonel Carter. I'm... sorry we couldn't save them... Colonel Sheppard and his team saved us all back there.
SAM: (She pauses and hesitates) I know today has been hard for everyone, but I still need to ask you both for a debrief in my office.
CALDWELL: Of course.
TEYLA: What about Doctor Moore?
SAM: (She looks at where Moore left) I'll go talk to him later. (Teyla nods and they follow her)

Stargate Atlantis 3 : Zakmus part 2, Unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now