Chapter 33

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As the fights raged on, Carolina's father and mother stood face to face with their old adversaries. Emotions ran high as accusations of betrayal flew between them.

"You were supposed to be one of us, not against us,"

One of the Guardians spat at Carolina's mother. With a defiant look, Carolina's father replied,

"We chose our path, and we are no longer bound by your twisted ideals."

In the heat of the moment, their true names were finally revealed. Two members of the Guardian's faced them respectfully. The two Guardian's called them by name, a name they haven't heard since the time of being part of the Guardian's.

One Guardian spat out,

"Samuel Nightshade, a brilliant scientist turned rogue."

while the other called out her mother

"Cassandra Moonstone, a skilled manipulator with a hidden agenda."

The shock of their identities reverberated through the warehouse, causing a brief pause in the chaotic battle. Carolina, Lily, Jake, and their allies exchanged uneasy glances as they processed this new information. The pieces of the puzzle were finally falling into place, but the revelations only deepened the mystery surrounding Carolina's fractured life.

The final showdown was far from over, and the truth behind their family's tangled history was within reach.

A fractured Life Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon