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I stand transfixed, my eyes glued to the unfolding fight on the ice. It's a whirlwind of violence and desperation, each moment more gut-wrenching than the last. My brother struggles to contain Luke, who's thrashing about in a frenzy, desperate to protect his sibling.

Nico is battling to keep his teammates in check, but they're like a pack of wild animals, their primal instincts taking over. And then there's Braden, usually the picture of calm and composure, now transformed into a raging bull, unleashing blow after blow on Jack.

It goes like that for a couple minutes, Braden on top of Jack, and then Jack on top of Branden. 

It's terrifying, seeing Braden like this—so consumed by fury and violence. It sends shivers down my spine, knowing that this chaos is somehow connected to me, to my actions.

Players from both teams rush in to break up the fight, but it's like trying to stop a freight train with a feather. Even the referees seem powerless to stop the madness. Meanwhile, the coaches on the bench are screaming at their players, their voices lost in the chaos of the arena.

The crowd's going wild, cheering and jeering as if they're watching the climax of the Super Bowl. To them, it's just another adrenaline-fueled moment in the world of sports entertainment. But for me, it's a nightmare come to life.

I'm on my feet, my hands tangled in my hair, feeling helpless and desperate. "Please," I silently beg whatever higher power might be listening. "Make it stop. Make it all go away."

Beside me, Olivia's eyes are wide with shock, her hand pressed against her mouth in disbelief. It's a moment neither of us will ever forget, and one that's left an indelible mark on our lives.

As the chaos finally settles, I'm left standing there, my cheeks damp with tears that have been streaming down my face. Jack's being escorted off the ice, his face a mess of blood and bruises. It's a brutal sight, one that cuts through me like a knife.

On the other side of the ice, Braden's being led away too, his jaw set in a fierce grimace. I grip onto the barrier, my heart pounding in my chest as I watch Jack get closer. I don't know what I'm hoping to achieve by staring after him, but I can't tear my eyes away.

The crowd around us is going wild, shouting and cheering as if they're at a rock concert. But for me, it's like everything's gone quiet, like I'm in a bubble of my own making, just me and the aftermath of the chaos.

I strain to hear what people are saying, but it's like their words are distant echoes in the back of my mind. All I can focus on is Jack's face, his eyes meeting mine in a silent plea for understanding.

"Jack" I whisper silently his name. 

"Get the fuck out of here, don't you see you're the freaking problem here!" Jack's voice reverberates with anger and frustration as he points accusingly at me.

Feeling embarrassed and overwhelmed, I glance around to see everyone in the arena with their phones out, recording the chaos. My heart races as the security guard pushes Jack further into the tunnel, and I lose sight of him. Sweat beads on my forehead, and I can feel my breath coming in ragged gasps.

Turning to Olivia, I see her about to speak, but I shake my head vehemently. I can't handle any more of her reckless advice right now. I just need her to stay quiet for once.

The crowd around us is still on their feet, caught up in the frenzy of the moment. Some look as shocked and bewildered as I feel. I feel trapped in my seat, unable to move while everyone else is still going wild.

The irony of being stuck in the Devils' home rink, feeling like I'm in actual hell, isn't lost on me. It's like a twisted joke, and I'm the punchline.

"I need to get out of here," I whisper, but my voice is lost in the cacophony of the crowd. It's like all eyes are on me, and I can feel the weight of their stares pressing down on me. My hands shake uncontrollably, my composure slipping away with each passing second.

In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now