A Sister's Distress

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  Mirena's POV

"It's like that every day I schedule something" in moments like these i can only sigh "I can't force her to do what she doesn't want, but for the love of the G.S, she needs to stop avoiding help all the time...

I've made everything in my power to help her ever since I've found her, we've moved in together, I taught her self-defense since this is a wicked world we live in, sometimes I try to introduce her to a few good people I got the chance to meet, she is a bright young girl with such a promising future, it's close to a sin letting her waste away like this...

When I mentioned I would introduce her to some people I noticed she winced, I understand she has problems, but to this extent... I cannot understand how she lives like that, avoiding to the max any amount of interaction with other beings alike... It's like she hates everybody...she told me one of her flaws involves something of the sorts...I had it too, but was it so extreme like this? I guess my parents would know, they would always register the appearance of another flaw on me as if it was something to celebrate or remember for eternity...

My parents never provided the things I'd need to develop myself or to fix my flaws, but I managed to provide for myself...I managed to grow and survive this harsh world with the bare minimum my parents would give to me and I did so, for my own good.

I never resented them for it tho, I just wanted them far away from me and my plans, to imagine that right now they are trying to track me down...

I sighed again"I think I'll need to hide her away...."

They were always fascinated about Flaws, and I'm certain that once they catch the sight of Serena my peaceful life won't be any more peaceful than a battlefield...Serena has that many flaws after all...

Honestly, I never understood their fascination, Flaws are just that.... Flaws, beings born with disabilities and deformities, and once she is caught, things certainly won't go well... My migraines will only increase as the time goes by if they meet each other... I know that she's curious about this whole "parenting" stuff but my parents aren't the right example of it...

To make matters worse, that confused man is still not answering my calls, not replying to my messages and pretends he doesn't see me when he passes through the street, ever since he started acting this way with me, my anger has been skyrocketing like crazy and I've been unloading everything onto Serena...

The poor girl tries to the best of her abilities to help me navigate my own emotions that are running hammock but with everything piling up...I seem to be reaching my own limit...

6 months ago Serena was spotted by the Flaw's Control Brigade, something like this wouldn't be so bad if she was able to control her flaws and blend with the passersby, but she couldn't, so at that moment we were suspected of being criminals doing shady business, in this sentence, I might sound insensitive, after all she has been helping me control my flaw and all of what comes with it, but she has way too many, and she needs help, I've become a sister figure to her, but even that it's not enough for the problems she is packing....there are times that her paranoia makes her look like a crazy girl and that being noticed in the middle of a street full of people is problematic as it sounds...

I wish she could see just how much she would be able to accomplish if only she let help in. What's so wrong about trusting others? She says she doesn't need more people around and that I'm enough, I felt flattered for a while... until she started to show another flaw...

This one however was even more disturbing than the others I've seen so far, a being with this many flaws, how long can it last before it shatters into a thousand pieces?

No, no, no... I've promised myself to not think so ominously ever again, but the more I look at her the more I can see that flaw growing and expanding like mold in a wooden house, I fear so much for her, I pity her even more.

When she disconnects from something it stays like that until she is faced with it again but even at that moment it's like she never saw it before or it's meaningless, how can anyone be so quick at ditching feelings, memories and other people?

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