Desperation on a Quiet Night

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 Mirena's POV

"She always diverts the conversation..." I sighed "What can I do? This kind of reaction is not new, but I find it odd... Hmm? My phone is ringing..." I picked it up, and it was an unknown number "calling at this hour?" This doesn't smells well and I instinctively didn't want to answer that call. What if it's a hacker or something of the sorts?...But it won't stop ringing and i'm getting even more anxious by the minute.

"Hello?... Who is this?" I answered confidently, hoping it was just a wrong number situation or so. None of my friends would call me at this hour and definitely not through an unknown number. Besides them the only person I can think of is my boss who wouldn't be so unethical.

"- Mirena's so great to finally hear your voice again..." A soft and tender female voice spoke on the phone, apparently pleased by the outcome of her call, but for me that voice sounded like the voice of a dangerous beast.

"..._..._...!!!!!!!!!" I hung up the phone without even replying once after hearing that voice.

No! Not this, not them, not now! I'm in danger! I need someone to bury me deep underground. No! Even then they'll probably find me, regardless of how deep under I might be ... I need to go out NOW!

"Ser! I'll go out for a while, OK?!" I shouted to her who was in the kitchen. We usually don't eat this late but a few things happened, so we ended up not having dinner earlier. Right now I'm looking for my jacket I left on the hanger and for my keys. Time is of essence, and if i'm not wrong they might use this 5 second call to trace me.

Serena hurriedly came to the living room wearing an apron. "Wait... What? Where are you going? It's already midnight!..." she looks concerned, but I can't go into details now. I have to go.

"I don't have time to explain... I'll call you..." I sprinted to the door.

"But..." she said something after that, but I couldn't hear since I was already outside the house fast-walking to the garage.

I open the garage door and head towards my motorbike checking if everything is alright with it I hop on it. "I can't believe they already have my number... I need to call Niel". I use my earphone while I'm on the road and call to the guy who will give me a little more peace of mind or so i hope.

"-...._..._..." No answer. I dial it again.

"Come on! Pick up the phone!" I'm close to have a panick attack if he doesn't answers my call.

"-..._... Hey Mir? whatsup? It's late..." he says in a raspy voice, he must've already been deep asleep. He did say last night that he was awake for 48hours straight , but i can't wait for him to have his beauty sleep now.

"Think about it later, they've found me ..." Forgive me my friend, but your sleep will have to be delayed once again.

"-Wait...what?! How?! Are you sure?" He seems to have snapped out of his daze with just these words alone. A brother like him is really commendable. If I wasn't in the verge of blacking out i would've complimented him on that.

"That's what I really need to know, I thought I'd hidden my tracks well, but a few minutes ago they called me, on my personal number..." I'm certain I was careful enough. Or wasn't it enough? Maybe more drastic measures were necessary.

"-That's no good..." There's a little bit of silence from his line for a while, he seems to be thinking about it deeply.

"I know... I'm on my way to your house by the way, be ready to receive me ok?"

"-Wait...what about Serena? You said she hates it when you leave the house at night..." He really pays a lot of attention to details. I remember I told him this piece of information 4 months ago.

"She does, but this is a pressing matter. I'm pulling up to your driveway right now. Could you open the garage for me?" It's best if i solve this as quickly as possible. And the less contact she has with it the better.

"-Yeah wait a sec..." he hangs up and shortly after, the door in front of me opens, revealing a very disheveled Niel with his hair messy and pointing in several directions.

I know Serena hates my late night trips but this time I can't avoid it; they already have my number. It'll be a matter of seconds until they find where I live... Where WE live.

I just hope that they don't. Otherwise, I'll need to move again and I've already settled down well here. Besides that, Serena seems to like that house a lot...thinking about Ser... I'll have to call her soon to warn her where I went, knowing her overthinking mind, she probably won't fall asleep if I don't give her a call...

I park my motorbike inside of his garage and he closes the door.

Niel yawns and stretches "Aight...Let's get to work ..." he said, smiling, Ser was right about him after all..

After the whole failed wedding situation, we had to be on rest for a while, me because of my anger resulting in the apparition of a large sized Tint and Ser because of the Glass's shards that were throbbing and burning her from inside out. The others couldn't visit us because she hated to be seen in such a vulnerable state, so we called and made videocalls from time to time till our condition was stabilized. On one of these days, Ser commented that Niel is the friend who smiles the most and it's always so natural that one would think he doesn't have any kind of problems going on in his life.

Right now, I can see the bags under his eyes and the obvious body language of an exhausted person, but he is smiling like that as if providing comfort for his little sister, even though I'm the oldest, of course.

I can't help but chuckle at that, he is really tall for his age and has the appearance of a well rounded Elite. Thankfully, he didn't decide to work for the Flaws's Control Brigade and is such a nice guy otherwise...

" Hey...where did you go off just now?" Niel looks me in the eyes. I didn't even notice he was standing in front of me.

"Oh sorry, my daydreaming episodes are starting to get out of hand again...Ser would feel threatened by this fact"

" If you don't tell, I won't tell either... but seriously, is everything alright? Last time with Serena's episode, it wasn't an exact pleasant situation, you know?" He scans my face for any signs of irregularities or of me being in pain. The woman that wants to marry this guy must be inspected by me first, and I mean that.

He isn't perfect, but he isn't fake either. His honesty and sincerity towards others is something that made me certain that he could be my first friend in the Flawless circle. After befriending him, I was more confident with approaching others in that apparent pristine circle. Of course, not all were good experiences, but having him was a definite boost to me and I managed to gather the other 4 hooligans I adopted as my friends and ultimately, my family, other than Serena.he is definetly husband material and a big green flag.

"I'm ok for now, my daydreaming was more about happy feelings, Ser's are... well, they're conflicting, she never explains much about them either."

" I bet she will, when she is ready...for now let's focus on what brought you to my house at midnight ok?" he says that as if trying to sound annoyed. He can't help but laugh at his own poor attempt in acting.

"Sure old lady, let's do it.." I punched him in the shoulder and he pretended to stumble forward. I laughed at that as well, I came here panicking but i sure am calmer now. I just hope we can keep this peace for a long time.

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