Sour Situation

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Bell's wedding was supposed to be a good opportunity to expose Serena to a new environment and for her to see people interacting in a different way of what she is used to, i guess it wasn't to be...Now i just need to finish my bags and go help my deer-like bride friend...

My phone starts ringing "Yes? This is Mirena speaking.... Bell it's so good to hear from you once again,honestly i thought that by now your phone would be confiscated hahaha, how are the preparations going?I'm almost leaving the house..... Oh! I didn't hear it.... Why would he do that?! Wait don't panic just yet.... I'll call the others hang in there for a little while longer...Ok just a moment...." I end the call...


Serena descends the stairs "Mina? Is everything ok? I heard you screaming all the way to the bathroom..."

"No, nothing is OK...Bell's fiancé...the know-it-all just spent half of their money buying a vehicle, when they decided to save it to buy a house of their own after the wedding..."

"Oh, uh... that's stupid...and where exactly would they be living before their house was bought?"

"At Bell's parents house annex..."

"Seriously? ..." I can understand her disbelief but it is what it is...

I sigh "Bell's parents don't like him, remember? But since Bell liked the guy so much, we talked with them to allow Bell to marry the man she loves so much and to help them settle down, now the idiot does something like this... I can't understand why he would do something like that? I bet Bell's parents will try to kill the guy..." my phone buzzes, it must be a message from Bell's parents "hold on a second" I see the message and I am instantly fuming of anger "HOW DARE HE!" I can't believe what i'm reading right now!

Serena inches closer, looks at the screen and starts reading aloud " "Mirena...I don't know what to do...Aden canceled the wedding and broke up with me, he didn't even say why... he will be travelling to his parent's house and told me not to look for him...Help me ...I beg you" Wow... uh, what now?"

"I'll tell you what we will do. We will be finding this stupid creature at once..." and beat him to a pulp...

"We?!" She is surprised...but i'm going to need her help...

"Yes, we, Bell was clearly scammed into this relationship, I bet he even has another one on the side... I won't let him be the last one laughing... Serena, we will be doing an intervention..."

"It's dangerous..." why is she so against it?

"Don't worry, it won't kill you..." I can't say the same for that piece of garbage i'm going to beat...

"That doesn't put me at ease...whenever you're altered, things ... tend to go south..."

"It is bound to Silas, Glacis, Rael and Niel...and please dress something practical. You can't go outside in your pajamas just because we don't care about fashion..."

" like fashion and secondly... Why do I need to call them?"

"We are going to need backup..."

"You're not planning on kidnapping the guy, right?"

"Maybe" I finish dressing to go out and I zoom towards the front door but Serena blocks the way "What are you doing? I said we need to go..."

"This doesn't inspire confidence..."

"Oh! It doesn't? Who's older here? That should be a good confidence booster"

" You are...but still, I don't like it...Your eyes look weird..."

"Go dress, and call the others...alright? Bell needs our help..."

" Ok...But I still don't like the way this is looking" she reluctantly goes back to her room and gets dressed.

Serena is one to never take risks in things she is not confident in doing.... but at the moment we don't have any other choice, that man eluded my poor gullible friend and left her just like that...

I hate men who never appreciate women who face everything and anything for them, and it's not just that piece of trash... Driandro that degenerate!

I did so much for that creature, and I'm told to wait until he comes to terms with whatever he needs to deal with? If he thinks I'm going to wait forever he can forget it, I'm not waiting around for someone who seems to pretend he doesn't know me, not even a simple message he is able to answer, always acting as if he didn't do anything, if needed be I'll remain single and enact revenge.

"Are you ok?" Why does she look so concerned right now?

"Yes, I am, why? Is something the matter?" I can't see anymore reasons for preocupation.

"Your glass cracked a little" she points in the direction of my chest where sure enough a small dent is forming on my glass.

"Oh! I need to sit for a minute..."

"I agree... you were thinking about Driandro weren't you?"

"Don't ask...You know I don't like talking about that guy..."

"Ok, I won't ask ..." she looks the other way for a while breaking eye contact. I can't bear the anger! I need to vent!

"Why is he treating me like this??! I don't get it... We were supposed to talk to each other, support each other, since we are both Flaws, shouldn't that make us more understanding and open to one another?"

"I don't know... I never understood relationships..." she seems to be uncomfortable talking about my failure in romance...

"He is too selfish that's what it is..."

"Maybe..." she is always like that...seemingly unaware of other people's matters.

"Forget it, let's focus into finding that scammer..." and hopefully not dirty my hands with his blood.

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