Revenge is Sweeter with Friends

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After we gathered with the others, Serena kept apprehensive and was always tense, part of me knows it's because she doesn't want to be found in an "accident" once again, however, I was far too angry at that man for scamming our friend to try and soothe her worries...

While I explained everything to the others, I let Serena with Bell and tasked her with appeasing the grieving bride...Serena, however, doesn't know how to properly connect with other's feelings so she couldn't console Bell, she sat there, awkwardly patting her on the back.

At moments she seems like she doesn't have feelings like empathy or compassion, but occasionally she would cry at movies, music, even writings, so, who knows what condition triggers her emotions?

Apparently the most predominant emotion in her is discomfort... Being so tense around others isn't something good at all, specially if it makes you look extra suspicious...What can I do? It's not like I can tell her that everyone is trustworthy when maybe they're not...

We spent a few days calling and asking for favors, the guy wasn't at his parents house and all they knew is that it was Bell who called off the wedding, so it was a little difficult to find him, but we got a clue at where exactly Bell's ex-fiancé would be staying...

We tracked down the scammer and sure enough he was staying in a hotel close by the docks...THE DOCKS?!! Why would he be at the docks for? Is he intending to run away by boat or something? It's already suspicious enough that he is staying in a hotel far away from the city ...who would he be travelling with? Is it the new "Lady" he has been mingling with? Paying for meal,buying her clothes with Bell's money?

I feel disgusted and with the urge of punching something....

"Mina..." Serena calls me up concerned once again.

"WHAT?!!" I am worked-up

"Glass" she points again at the previous dent on my chest.

"!!! I...I need to sit down...just a second..." I need to solve this before i send myself to the hospital...

"No need to become so angry on my behalf Mir... I think I have only myself only to blame after all, if I was more likable..." Bell smiles sadly at me...she is so naive. All this time blaming herself for something that wasn't her fault and it was obviously that bastard's plan

"Don't say stupid things!!! You're perfect, he was too blind and stupid to not appreciate you...The thing is that in this world we can't be sure of who we are trusting our faith to, and you're not to blame if you trusted, he is to blame for not valuing the trust, the love and care you so selflessly gave to him, I'm in favor of teaching him a lesson about the cost of hurting one's feelings, what do you think guys?" The lesson might be quite violent tho...

"Of course!" Glacis says visibly upset.

"Without doubt..." Silas, our big bear grumbles with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Just beat him up!" Niel has always been one to scalate things.

"Throw him out of a cliff!!!" Rael on the other hand has always been an extremist that's why we never let her choose the plan.

"Guys" Bell says in the verge of tears "Thank you so much..." she seems moved by this outburst of rage.

"What about you Serena? What do you think about it?"

I know I shouldn't push her in the middle and it may backfire but this is a good opportunity to make her interact more naturally, apparently, she can respond if the emotion in question is a negative one....

It's weird I know, but this is my best shot...Everyone is looking at her quite intensely...will she be able to answer? How will she respond? It must be nerve-wracking....

"I-I think...I d-don't know..." Serena stutters...

"It's alright, no need to force yourself..." it's enough that you came with us. It's a miracle she didn't ran off somewhere because she didn't want to be involved in "emotional stuff".

Niel speaks up already impatient "In the meantime let's just catch him red-handed..."

Glacis chirps in with her naive humor "What's that? Was he painting?"

Everyone else laughs....Glacis is like a child in the body of an adult even thought Serena is the youngest among us all.

"No, it means catch him doing something traitorous..." That i'm 100% positive is true.

"Are you sure he was betraying me? I know that in the light of what he did I shouldn't be questioning, but, I'd like to know for certain if it was really for another woman, he chose not to stay with me..." Bell says apprehensivly...

"What is there to be certain of? The idiot just bought a car with your money and out of the blue called of the wedding and rented a hotel room at the edge of the city with your money as well, I don't know about you but this certainly stinks..."

Everyone except for Serena shouts "That's right!!!"

" I'll trust your're the only ones I have...ugh! Mother and father are fuming but they said since this marriage is something I wanted to do, they will let me handle things on my own..." She almost starts crying again after saying this. Poor girl, she is a wreck. It's obvious this whole problem must've caused her insomnia, going to bed thinking about her pictured future that didn't become reality is draining her energies.

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