Aria of the Shameless

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"Now what do we do?" Serena stops in front of a door.

"Oh! We are here already..."

"Yes...Do you want me to..." she asks gesturing to the door

"If you can please..." I'll trust her to make him open the door since that bastard seems to know my voice all too well. I doubt he would open it for me without making a fuss about it ...

I can hear shuffling from the other side of the door. I hope I'm right and this man is cheating on Bell so I can have an excuse to break his arms or at least pull his tongue out so he can't spew any more poisonous lies to anyone. I really want to punch him today.

Serena knocks on the door and speaks in a soft demeanor "Room services..."

From the other side of the door Aden speaks in an annoyed tone "We didn't ask for may leave"

WE?! I bet the bastard is really cheating, I'm going to break his legs for sure!

Serena speaks extra politely "We are really sorry sir, but we were tasked with informing the residents of a few changes that were urgently asked for by the higher-ups..."

Aden responds "Isn't that something you could make an announcement or clip it on the board in the entrance?"

"Since it's urgent we couldn't do it and reach all the residents on time, we apologize for the inconvenience..." Serena insists.

There's a pause and then he speaks again while opening the door "Alright but be quick, I don't have ti-......" his eyes widen in surprise.

He certainly wasn't expecting it to be me on the other side of the door. I can clearly see the color draining from his face as it starts to sink in what is actually happening here...

Ever since he started dating Bell, I've been keeping him in check, i couldn't let my friend be swayed by just her feelings for the guy. Whenever the two of them needed to speak with Bell's parents, I would be there mediating. He knows I wouldn't let this situation be brushed off, and yet...

"I'm delighted to see that you're still alive Sir Aden, after all you vanished without so much as a proper goodbye or an explanation for why the hell you wanted to cancel your marriage ON THE VERY SAME DAY!..." The more I look at his face the more I want to punch him.

" H-Huh...Mir?" He seems to be aware now.

"Don't call me that! We are not friends! And after the stunt you pulled, you'll be lucky I won't be your grave-keeper..."

Serena taps my shoulder and speaks into my ear "No violence please...we don't want to alert the other residents."

"Don't worry, go outside and signal the others to call the police..." At least we have this in our favor.

"Police?! What for?!" he asks, agitated.

"You stole our money Aden don't you remember?" Is he that clueless?

"I-I didn't s-steal anything from you...t-the m-money was ours..." he retorts stuttering.

"What ours are you talking about...without the consent of the main owner of the account, any movement can be considered void or declared stolen. Do you really think Bell would give you her money after what you've done? You must be really stupid..."

"I don't allow you to offend me like that!" he snaps. Honestly, I'm surprised he had the guts to be angry in this situation.


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