Starting Points

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In the beginning, there was nothing but an endless expanse of darkness. Amidst the void, a solitary figure floated, adrift like a boundless ocean. This figure was Destiny, whose mind was shrouded in uncertainty and confusion. She couldn't recall anything about herself or her past except for her name and an inexplicable sense of sadness that weighed heavily on her spirit.

Destiny drifted aimlessly through the emptiness, unable to discern any direction or landmarks in the abyss. She saw nothing but the all-consuming darkness that enveloped her as if she were trapped in a dream without end.

Then, without warning, a sudden burst of light erupted in the distance. It was a brilliant radiance that seemed to pierce through the darkness, illuminating everything around it. As the light grew brighter and more intense, a deep voice boomed from within it, echoing through the void and resonating within Destiny's very being.

"Welcome to my realm beyond time and space," The Voice said. It is well that thou art here; I am, which humans call Arceus." The voice said, getting Destiny's attention. "What is thy name?" Arceus spoke in a questioning manner as the light grew intently.

"Destiny," she mumbled out her name.

" Destiny... Soon thou shall find thyself in a world strange to thee, " Arceus said in a warning tone. In a world inhabited by wondrous creatures that humans call Pokemon,n," he said before suddenly staying quiet for a moment. Destiny... Seek out all the Pokemon,n, and thou shalt find me once more," the voice said as the light suddenly faded into the darkness.

Destiny woke up slowly, opening her eyes as she regained her senses. As she looked around, something felt off. Suddenly, she felt like she was falling, a sense of vertigo overwhelming her. She glanced ahead and saw her phone floating in the darkness, just out of reach.

As she reached out to grab it, she noticed that sparkles of light were starting to appear around her. They seemed to be gathering around her phone, and as she looked closer, she saw that they were forming a figure ahead of her and her phone. The figure seemed made entirely of light and was hovering just out of her reach.

Destiny looked at the figure in wonder as the light around it engulfed her phone, drawing it back into her hands. She gazed at the figure again and watched in amazement as she floated up into a crouching position, surrounded by the radiant glow. The light seemed to be consuming her, yet she felt no fear. Instead, she felt a sense of calm as she surrendered herself to the experience.


"Wake up!!" a man's voice rang inside Destiny's head. It was loud and hard to ignore, but she closed her eyes. "Oh, do wake up, won't you?" the voice said desperately. Slowly, Destiny opened her eyes and saw three small creatures standing before her as she lay in the sand. "Are you alive, my girl?" the voice said as she opened her eyes. She looked up and found a man standing behind the three little creatures. With his help, she slowly stood up and began to look around.

The three small creatures gazed up at her, clearly worried. She looked around with a panicked expression, and the man who had come to her aid seemed just as troubled. After helping her up, he backed away, ensuring she could stand independently.

The man's cheerful voice was tinged with concern as he spoke to Destiny. "You gave me quite a shock falling from the sky like that," he said, looking at her with furrowed brows. "But thank goodness you seemed unharmed," he added with relief.

Destiny, still disoriented from her fall, spoke in a soft voice. "Thank you. Who are you? And where am I?"

The man's expression turned even more worried as he replied, "I'd like to ask you the same thing. You fell out of the sky, you understand? It's not something you see every day." He scrutinized her from head to toe, trying to make sense of the situation.

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