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As Destiny and the Professor approached the main gate, they were met by a group of guards dressed in red uniforms. The guards appeared on high alert, and their body language conveyed a profound tension. Destiny noticed that their expressions became guarded and suspicious as soon as they saw her.

Despite the guards' apprehension, the Professor remained unfazed and chatted cheerfully with her. Destiny, however, couldn't help but feel uneasy about the situation. She could tell the guards scrutinized her every move and exchanged mistrustful glances.

As the two drew closer to the gate, Destiny could see it firmly shut. She wondered what could be happening on the other side that warranted such heightened security measures. The guards appeared to be highly trained and disciplined, and she could sense that they were taking their duty very seriously.

The Professor's voice was filled with genuine gratitude as he addressed the guardsmen standing before him. "Thank you for your tireless work keeping us safe, my good guardsman," he said with a happy tone. As he stopped before them, Destiny, standing behind him, couldn't help but feel uneasy. She was unsure of what to do or say in this situation.

Suddenly, the Professor's attention shifted to Destiny, and he quickly pushed her forward, causing her to feel a bit startled. It was then that the Professor explained to the guardsmen that Destiny had been of great assistance to him and his Pokemon. Despite apologizing for bringing her into the village without permission, the Professor's sheepish tone couldn't hide his pride for his young companion.

The stern-looking men who said nothing but only glared at them. After a few seconds of silence, they eventually nodded, allowing them to go through. As they walked through, the gate opened just for them. Destiny trailed behind the Professor hesitantly, taking in her surroundings. She couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere that seemed to permeate the area. Despite the people around them going about their everyday lives, reading books, and chatting with one another, an air of unease was prevalent. As they walked through, people stopped what they were doing and turned to look at them, their expressions ranging from curious to wary. Despite the Professor's reassuring presence, Destiny couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

"Please follow me this way," spoke the Professor as he extended his hand towards the main path that led to the building in the center of the Jubilife Village.

As they walked through the village center, the Professor couldn't help but express his admiration for the fine people of the Galaxy Expedition team. "Thanks to them, Jubilife Village has come a long way," he said, pointing out the various developments along the way.

The Professor explained the road's significance to the locals as they turned onto Canal Avenue. Destiny wasn't listening. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious as the people around her whispered and pointed in her direction.

"That's quite an outfit right there." She couldn't help but feel self-conscious and wonder if she had made a fashion faux pas.

As she continued to walk, she overheard another woman comment, "I've never seen that child here before," referencing Destiny's youthful appearance. This made her feel even more out of place.

A young child noticed her and asked, "Where did you come from?" with a side-eyed look, making Destiny feel even more like an outsider.

Just as she started to feel uncomfortable, an elderly man approached her and asked, "What manner of dress is that?" He glared at her, making her feel like she had made a mistake by wearing such a bold outfit.

Thankfully, an older woman silenced the man and ushered him away, sending Destiny a glare. She didn't say anything, as the Professor was still speaking as they continued to walk. However, Destiny needed to pay more attention to what he was saying. Her mind was too preoccupied with the negative comments she had overheard.

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