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The following day, a loud knock echoed through the front door of a cluttered and disorganized house. "Hello, is anyone there? Did you hear that intense lightning last night?" Rei's voice boomed as he impatiently waited for an answer. He pushed the door open and greeted his newfound acquaintance, taking a moment to survey the mess around them. The village was on edge after the thunderous lightning the day before, and everyone was left uneasy.

In the middle of the night, a deafening sound of lightning struck the ground, and the mournful cry of a Pokemon shook the entire village. The noise was so intense that it kept everyone on edge and prevented them from sleeping.

Rei's voice interrupted the silence, waking Destiny, who had already woken up in the middle of the night and was struggling to fall back asleep after the previous night's thunderstorm. "Hey, if you're up, come on out," he exclaimed as he walked back out.

Destiny was jarred awake by a young boy yelling outside her front door. As she slowly emerged from her grogginess, she remembered that today was when she had to prove herself to join Team Galaxy. Though unsure of what exactly she was getting herself into, she felt a sense of responsibility to take action.

As she left bed, she saw herself in the mirror and noticed a small scar across her eyebrow. She couldn't recall ever seeing it before, and the sight of it made her uneasy. She wondered how she got it and why she couldn't remember anything from before she arrived in Hisui. Despite her confusion, Destiny tried to shake off the feeling, focused on preparing for the day ahead, and walked out of the hut-likeouse.

Despite feeling tired, Destiny forced herself to get ready and left her little Hut to meet with Rei. As she stepped outside, Rei greeted her with a warm smile.

"I hope you managed to get some rest, it's not easy to sleep in a strange new land," Rei remarked.

"I slept alright, thank you. How's your morning been so far?" Destiny asked.

"It's going pretty well, but we shouldn't keep Captain Cyllene waiting. Let's make our way to the headquarters," Rei replied, taking the lead.

Destiny followed him to the headquarters, conveniently located next to her new Hut. As they walked, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious, aware of the villagers watching her curiously. Despite this, she kept her head high and continued towards the headquarters, feeling nervous and excited.

Rei swung open the colossal door to Galaxy Hall, gesturing for Destiny to step inside. Beaming proud, he led her through the entrance hall, showcasing the ornate décor and towering columns lining the walls.

Destiny's gaze wandered, marveling at the intricate details of the grand space before her. The high ceilings were adorned with chandeliers that shimmered like stars in the night sky, casting a warm glow across the room. The marble floors shone like glass, adding to the hall's grandeur.

"It's quite lovely," Destiny said, her voice filled with admiration and awe as she took in the magnificence of Galaxy Hall.

Rei and Destiny were in a room when they heard someone shout from a neighboring room, "Don't give up; keep those eyes open." Another voice shouted, "The wild Pokemon were everywhere, attacking from all sides. I sent out my partner Pokemon, but against a whole pack, we were outnumbered."

Suddenly, the voice from the first room spoke up, "This is what happens when you go so far afield, but the medical corps will put you to rights." They continued to talk generally until they were no longer audible. Destiny looked worried, and Rei asked her if she realized she could die out there if she failed her trial and got expelled from the village.

Destiny nodded before getting up, and Rei pointed out that she might die even sooner if she had to take on the trial without a Pokemon partner.

" how do I get a partner Pokemon?" Destiny asked

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