Miss fortune

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For an entire week, Destiny had been taking some much-needed rest. She was feeling under the weather, so Rei, her good friend, made it a daily routine to visit her to ensure she received proper care and to keep her updated on everything happening in the Village. Every day, Rei would bring her some food, usually a hot bowl of soup, which he had either cooked himself or had gotten from the local restaurant. He would then sit by her side, sharing all the exciting things and what others were up to. He would tell her about new Pokemon sightings, about the latest news from the VillageVillage, and about any exciting events that were coming up.

The professor would also visit Destiny to share his observations with her. He had been out in the field studying different types of Pokemon and their behavior and had some interesting findings to share. He would sit with her, discussing the Pokemon he had seen and sharing his insights into their unique characteristics and abilities. He even offered to help her catch some of them once she felt better.

Destiny was receiving the best care, and her friends and the professor were doing everything possible to help her feel better.

Captain Cyllene visited her once or twice to inform her about her upcoming tasks on the chalkboard in the professor's office. He also notified her that she could go out into the field without wearing her uniform due to technical issues. This implied that she could wear any clothes of her choice without anyone questioning her. She was free to dress as she pleased, and no one would comment on whether her clothing was appropriate for the environment. That was the only warning note she received from Captain Cyllene regarding this leniency in her uniform policy.

Destiny, who seemed entirely down in the dumps, was visited by the guard stationed in front of the headquarters. During his visit, he shared with her how his Pokemon partner, which she had given him, had brought him immense happiness. He was thrilled about his progress in bonding with his Pokemon and felt his partner was ready to evolve soon. Destiny was pleased to hear about his progress and congratulated him on his achievements.

Despite Destiny's low mood, the guard stayed with her for a few hours and discussed various topics. Their conversation was so engaging that Destiny momentarily forgot her worries and found solace in the guard's company. Before he left, the guard made a heartwarming request to Destiny. He asked her to be present when his beloved Pokemon partner evolved, as he wished to share that special moment with her. Destiny felt honored by the request and readily agreed to be there for him.

It was even more shocking for Destiny to discover that while she was still in bed, Rei prepared dinner for her while their Pokémon played around with each other and Rei's Pikachu. Adaman smiled and greeted her kindly, expressing his disappointment that no one had informed him about her condition until the third day of her day off. He wished her a speedy recovery and gave her some medical herbs like everyone else before him. Destiny felt a bit bashful but accepted the herbs gratefully.

"I'm sure with just a little time, you will heal properly and return to your former glorious self," Adaman said as he looked at Destiny's healing ankle. "And I'm sure that the medical herbs in my VillageVillage, which I have given you, will make you heal even faster than before. This will give you some time for rest, not just for your healing," he told her.

"Either way, I really appreciate it, and you didn't have to come and give me this," Destiny told him bashfully. "I mean, you're the leader of an entire clan. I doubt you had time to come and visit me."

Adaman smiled and said, "It's not a problem at all. You seem like a very kind person, much kinder than the usual team Galaxy Folk. It's almost like a breath of fresh air to have you here with us in Hisui, and I really appreciate that. I want to make sure you feel comfortable here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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