First Star

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Destiny, Rei, and the Professor had just returned to the Village after a long day of exploring and catching Pokémon. Destiny hesitantly spoke up as they walked, "Excuse me, Professor, I have a question. I'm curious about what will happen to the Pokémon I've caught. I understand that I need to catch more Pokémon to complete the Pokédex, but I'm worried about releasing these Pokémon back into the wild."

Rei's tone was somewhat pessimistic: "Unfortunately, a person can only have six Pokémon with them while on an expedition. It's not like we have anyone who can manage more than that anyway."

Sensing Destiny's concern, the Professor reassured her with a gentle pat on the back, "Don't worry, dear. There's no need to release your Pokémon back into the wild. Eventually, we'll be able to provide a village pasture where your Pokémon can live. And if you want to keep them in your care, they will be fully taken care of."

Destiny breathed a sigh of relief and felt grateful for the Professor's kind words. "Thank you, Professor. That's a relief to hear. I don't want to release them back into the wild when I've grown attached to them," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Rei, quiet for a while, added, "I wish we had someone who could manage more than six Pokémon. It would make things a lot easier."

The Professor nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it would be helpful. But for now, we'll have to make do with what we have."

Destiny, trying to boost everyone's spirits, said, "I'm sure we'll be able to find a way to make things work. And who knows, maybe we'll find someone who can manage more Pokémon in the future."

The three walked back to the Village in silence, each lost in their thoughts about the future and the adventures ahead.

The Professor led Rei and Destiny toward headquarters, urging them to walk faster. "Come on now, you two. Let's not dilly-dally. Captain Cyllene is waiting for your report," he said.

Rei, visibly excited, ran after the Professor, with Destiny following closely behind. Upon reaching the headquarters, they rushed straight to the Captain's office to give their report. They were eager to share every detail of their mission with the Captain.

However, the Captain was preoccupied with paperwork and barely looked up when they entered her office. Despite this, Rei and Destiny continued to share their story with enthusiasm. They recounted everything from their initial briefing to their successful mission completion.

After they were done speaking, the Captain finally looked up and said, "It seems we won't have to leave you to die after all. Congratulations." Her tone was blunt, but the relief in her voice was palpable.

Destiny, grateful for their success, thanked the Captain softly. Despite the Captain's curt response, Destiny understood that the trial's success was what mattered most.

The Captain had a severe look on her face when Destiny entered her office. "You've passed your trial," the Captain said sternly. "You can hold onto the Satchel as well. I must admit you've impressed me. I set a high hurdle to judge whether a stranger like yourself could be worthy, but you cleared it. I'm surprised."

Destiny felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had been worried that she hadn't made a good impression on the Captain.

"Either way, this is the official uniform for the Survey Corps," the Captain said, handing Destiny a bundle of clothes. "Go get changed in the room you used last night, then report at once to the third floor. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Destiny nodded her head.

"Present yourself in uniform to our commander. This is your first official order from your Captain," Captain Cyllene said before she dismissed Destiny from her office.

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