Chapter 13

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Hey everyone <3 im glad to see so many of you supporting and enjoying this fic
Its really nothing special so im very thankful for all of you :3 love you all

If anyone wants to DM me to ask about updates or if you just need someone to talk to please do!


Happy to listen if anyone needs anything at all<3


"Dazai not now"

Kunikida was pissed. He wasn't absolutely Raging with anger like how when Dazai is late for work, he was just pissed off.
Dazai and Kunikida were headed back to Kunikida's place while everyone else made their way back to the agency to lock up, the plan for the two men was a movie night seeing as they hadn't had one for awhile

Well, since the alliance began

To Dazai, it seemed that there would be no movie night. Rather a boiling argument waiting to happen
He knew to be carful with his words. Kunikida didn't even need to speak for Dazai to know what was wrong. He was mad about Chuuya

Dazai had suspected his jealousy for the executive long ago, he had even pointed it out at some point just to make sure he wasn't overreacting.
Which he never was. Dazai was always right.

Dazai had known to be careful the moment Dazai and Kunikida first met

Truth be told, Kunikida had a tendency to be jealous of Dazai's previous partners or people that he worked with. Heck, he was even jealous of the cashier in the coffee shop below the agency and everybody always knew his double suicide proposals were just jokes


Most of the time anyway

But now that he was with Kunikida he hardly did any of that anymore. It just wasn't necessary

It began raining awhile ago. The raindrops trickled down the passenger window as Dazai used his bandaged index finger to follow after them. How childish.

Dazai didn't normally have bandaged on his fingers. But someone stupidly decided to put him in charge of making a few extra sandwiches for the rest of the agency and some how managed to injure himself with a fucking butter knife

Chuuya had noticed the extra band-aid on his finger


"Osamu we are here"

Dazai nearly flinched due to being so zoned out. He handed even noticed they were at Kunikida's place

Kunikida was fortunate enough to be able to afford a nice house. Dazai however lived in the agency dorms

The place was small but cozy. Kunikida only ever let the closest people come over, something to do with ideals or what not

Dazai heaved himself out of Kunikida's car and followed him to the front door. Kunikida was being awfully quiet

Kunikida unlocked the door quicker than usual and made a bee-line to the living room before Dazai even got through the front door

'Fucking hell here we go'

Dazai kicked off his shitty work shoes to reveal a pair of blue socks with a bunch of black cats scattered around the design
It didn't fit his work uniform for sure.

Dazai sighed and dragged his feet to the living room to face Kunikida sat on the cream couch looking back at him

Kunikida looked tired, rather than his usual 'up-beat head held high' look he was slumped on the couch with his arm draped over the side and his legs crossed on the couch

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