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Haiii! This chapter was meant to come out a few days ago but I got into some...legal trouble last week
So I had to deal with allat
And then on Saturday last week I had pretty bad episode regarding my health so I've not done a lot other than sleep all week

ALSO THIS HASNT BEEN EDITED!!!! Feel free to point out typos!

Anyway enough of me! Hope you enjoyyy

The agency was usually quiet during lunch time. No calls were coming in, many of the staff were downstairs in the coffee shop.
It was overall just very peaceful.

However, something was wrong. Atsushi could just sense it.
Yosano was pacing back and fourth while checking her phone every five minutes. Ranpo was subtlety trying to talk her down while also checking his phone (just not as often)

The only thing that was relatively Normal was the Tanizaki siblings being...affectionate.
As weird as that sounds to most people, that was extremely normal. (Even if it definitely shouldn't be)

One other thing that stuck out to Atsushi, Dazai and Kunikida were nowhere to be found. Now, Dazai being late wouldn't have set off alarm bells if Kunikida wasn't late too.

You'd have to be blind as a bat to not notice how tense things had been between the couple as of recent.

Now, Atushi was no genius like Ranpo so trying to even guess what was happening was useless. His plan was to ask Dazai how he had been and then itch into the conversation of 'what's happening with you and Kunikida?'
But how can he do that if Dazai is nowhere to be found?

"Oh my god thats it! I can't take this anymore!" Yosano yelled across the office causing Atsushi and the Tanizaki siblings to look at her. "I'm going over to both their places and if they aren't there I swear to fucking god—"

"Akiko no, you'll get in trouble with the president." Ranpo put his hand towards her but she slapped it away.

Junichiro and Naomi seemed confused while Atsushi just tried to ignore the shouting. Thankfully there was nobody else near by to hear them with everyone else on their lunch break.

Atushi hated it when his friends argued. It always brought on some kinda tension for the rest of the day, making it near to impossible for him to work to his best ability.
With everything going on around the guild and the port mafia too? It was a total nightmare. Things were already stressful enough.

"Sorry I'm late"

Ranpo and Yosano immediately stopped arguing and Atsushi shot up from his chair, knocking it backwards on the floor as he did so. "Dazai! You're here."

Now. The first thing that was weird was Dazai apologising for being late. That's something you'd hear and wonder if he was high.

Atsushi jogged round his desk to go and greet him only to be shoved out the way by Yosano. "Alright, now that we know you're okay you have a shit ton of explaining to do—" Yosano Froze when she got about 2 feet away from Dazai, her eyes widening. "Dazai what the fuck happened to your face."

Now that...was the second thing that was weird.

Atsushi could see it from where he was standing. One very large, swollen black eye with clear attempts of coverage with concealer but to no avail. His eye bags were worse than usual, everyone already knew that Dazai wasn't never much of a sleeper but he looked like he hadn't slept the whole night.

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