Chapter 1 PT 1

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A small motorhome drove down an old abandoned highway. Inside the driver seat was Frost.

In the passenger seat was Y who was working on fixing the radio

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In the passenger seat was Y who was working on fixing the radio.

In the passenger seat was Y who was working on fixing the radio

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Y: You had to pick the worst car possible.

Frost: Only one that could fit all 3 of us that I could find.

This third person was seen in the back sitting at a table playing with multiple toys, this was Hunter, or more commonly known as the son of Alt Y/N.

This third person was seen in the back sitting at a table playing with multiple toys, this was Hunter, or more commonly known as the son of Alt Y/N

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Frost glanced back momentarily to take a look at Hunter.

Frost: You okay lil Buddy?

Hunter: Still okay Mr Frost.

Frost: Just call me Frost.

Y chuckled slightly then looked curious.

Y: Why'd you take the kid? I get me but....

Frost: I didn't want him sticking around Y/N.

Hunter: Whose that?

Frost: Don't worry about it.

Hunter: Okay.

Hunter went back to playing with his toys.

Y: What did Y/N do?

Frost: Hunter wasn't always this.... Obedient. Was he around the other Y/N?

Y: Yeah, I watched him a few times.

Frost: What about Dumpster or C-Sides?

Y: Alt was forced to let them watch him for a few days.

Frost: Makes sense. He most likely picked up a few traits from those guys.

Y: Being a little shithead arsonist and a sexist dick?

Frost: Yep.

Y: How does this relate?

Frost: Well Y/N wasn't exactly able to get those traits out of him, and the stuff he was doing was killing a lot of people. But it doesn't excuse what Y/N did. Even if he says he didn't want to.

Y: Just cut to the chase.

Frost: Right sorry, Y/N made the necklace stuck to his neck, and those are personality cores on it. It makes him behave.

Y: Damn....

Frost: Exactly.

Y: I mean I get your point but also Y/Ns.

Frost: I understand, there's no right answer here. But I just think Y/N could have tried something else, because if he ever gets out of that control I reckon the first thing he's doing is going to kill Y/N. He's doomed himself.

Y: Y/N wouldn't let a kid kill him.

Frost: This isn't a normal kid. This is a hybrid kid. One whose parents were warlords. And from what I know the kid was trained to fight by his mom.

Y: Alt didn't train him?

Frost: No. I actually asked Alt about it while I was infected. Alt said he didn't train his kid because he wanted to make a world where his kid wouldn't need to learn how to.

Y: Respectful. Wait he's a hybrid?

Frost: Kinda. His mom was a mutated human. Kinda like me and you but a little more off the evolutionary track.

Y: Right. And in guessing this whole situation was part of the reason why you and Y/N stopped talking.

Y slotted the radio into its compartment as he quickly tested it. It worked and he quickly shut it off.

Frost: I couldn't respect someone who would do that to Hunter.

Frosts fists clenched around the wheel.

Frost: He's just 3 years old, 2 when Y/N did what he did. He barely knows how to spell his name. Before the cores made him forget about Y/N he saw him as a dad. HE WAS A TODDLER!

Frost punched the dashboard shattering the radio.

Y: For fucks sake I gotta fix that again.

Frost: Sorry.... It just disgusts me.

Y: It's fine.

They suddenly heard the noise of porcelain scraping as they heard the Skibidi Toilet anthem.

Frost: Dammit.

Y: Oh shit the war in this universe isn't over is it?

Frost: Nope.

Frost turned around to Hunter.

Frost: You wanna sit this one out?

Hunter: sure.

Frost nodded as he and Y got up and stepped out the motorhome. Multiple tentacles extended from Ys back as Frosts core began spinning.

Frost: You ready?

Y: Yep. Try to keep up.

Frost: I'm not that slow.

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