Chapter 4

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Alt GB: So! Uh... The fuck do we do now? Because I've just been banned from my home universe.

GB: Hah.

Alt GB: It was for killing all the titans, you would not be hard to kill either.

GB: Oh.

Frost was about to say something but someone else jumped out of a plume of black mist. It was Frost, but the notable difference was his core colour was a darker purple.

Y: Why are there so many doubles?

Hunter and Tampered Alt flew out as Hunter on instinct fired 2 lasers out of the palms of his floating hands. He kept them going as it made the other Frost get launched back.

Hunter: Die you copy bitch! You stupid n-

Y grabbed a wrench from his pocket and threw it at Hunter hitting him in the face, his personality cores flickered back on.

GB: Don't want to get cancelled.

Hunter: Right, sorry miss.

Other Frost: Is that really how you greet someone you just meet?

Frost: Who are you?

Other Frost: Frost.

Alt GB: We know that smartass. But he more specific. Where are you from and shit.

Other Frost: the alliance. I was just in a world full of monsters and I got a weird signal. I'm trying to find it's owner. Anyone know the name Y/N L/N.

Everyone looked at each other.

Alt GB + Tampered Alt: Nope.

Frost: I know that name. He was a good friend.

Other Frost: Good. Where is he?

Frost: Probably in his home universe. This is the D-Sides version of it so if you backtrack you should find it.

Other Frost: Thank you. If we meet again. Call me Frostbite or something so we don't get confused.

The Other Frost simply teleported away.

GB: We should probably catch up to him. Y/N will probably attack him thinking he's you.

Frost: How are we meant to help? Hunters the only one who stands a chance and his cores won't let him fight.

Y: I can.

Frost: No you can't.

Y: I nearly killed G-Dumpster in the final battle I think I can take you on.

Frost: Fine....

They all teleported away.

(Hello everyone, there's going to be a recently sized crossover of 4 books, this one, my After War book, Sole Survivor from foxykillet32 and a book from Conrad417. I'm going to be posting the next bit of story in After War so that means this book won't be updated for a while. But after that arc is done I will continue with this one)

Cold Squad - Frost Side StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora