Chapter 2 pt2

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Frost ran for Tampered Alt and began trying to clear the rubble as Y began helping, Hunter stood in the back with GB as multiple Skibidi surrounded them.

GB: Can you fight?

Hunter: I don't have my gear, sorry miss.

GB: Then hold on.

GB grabbed Hunter and made him sit on her back as she began fighting. A Skibidi approached from her left though she raised her leg and kicked it in the side of the head before flushing it. She threw its flush lever with one hand which stabbed another Skibidi in the face making it stop, then as she spun from the throw she used the motion to grab the toilet of the dead Skibidi and throw it into the second with one hand.

She dodged a buzzsaw from another and kicked its saw into another Skibidis face killing it, she then flushed the buzzsaw Skhbidi Toilet.

GB: Damn it feels good to kill every once in a while.

GB struck a Skibidi in the face before flushing it, she then jumped onto another's tank and kicked its flush lever up, she then did that multiple more times until she scampered up a large Skibidis tank. She ripped its flush lever out and stabbed it in the back of the head with it. Its head began spinning though it headbutted her away in time, on the way she was able to kick another Skibidi in the face scraping it against the ground and then it got caught on a piece of rebar killing it.

Multiple Skibidi flew over getting ready to kill her though they all fled as GB and Hunter noticed this world's Boombox getting cured by Jet.

GB: That's good. We haven't really changed anything.

She looked over to Frost and Y who were now walking over, Frost had the heavily injured Tampered Alt Y/N on his back like she did Hunter, who she let down.

Hunter: You fight really well miss?

GB: It's my specialty.

Frost: Good job.

Frost and GB hi-fived as Y summoned a plume of smoke in front of them. Y led them through as they carried the injured Y/N.

GB: Oh he's bleeding a lot.

"My fucking carpet noticed that as well"

Y: Yeah, but considering the original Alt survived much worse, I'm sure we could patch this up.

Frost: Let's see what you've learnt.

GB: Was that a challenge?

Frost: Damn right it was.

GB: You're on big guy.

They looked at each other and laughed for a moment.

Frost: Yeah but seriously we should probably stop him from bleeding.

GB: Oh right.

GB leaned down to Hunter and spoke to him like you would a little kid.

GB: Hey little guy, can you head to the bathroom and look in the cupboard and get the first aid kit. It'll be a really big help.

Hunter: Yes miss.

Hunter ran off in the direction of the bathroom.

GB: You know first aid Y?

Y: Yeah, I've patched up Frost, Alt and Y/N tons, it would sound gay if I went into detail of how much I know their insides.

GB: Yeah that sounded gay as shit.

Y: Your one to talk.

GB: I'm not gay that was a lie so my universe would stop fucking with me. I'm bisexual like you lot.

"Wait since was that retconned, author what the fuck are you trying to do with my character?!"

Y + Frost: Oh.

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