Chapter 3 Pt1

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The Cold Squad sat around a table planning.

GB: I think we can leave the Tampered Alt Timeline, it seems like it's doing fine and if not I'm sure they'll reach out to Y/N.

Tampered Alt: Can we still keep an eye out on it?

Y: I don't see why not.

Tampered Alt: Thanks.

They went to move onto the next conversation topic until the wall was suddenly knocked down by Pyro, Gearshift and Monster. Behind them stood Scientist Y/N. He walked in front of his creations as everyone prepared for a fight.

GB: Scientist.

Scientist: GB, I believe I've already said that this universe has me, you didn't need to come here and you've ignored my demands to leave.

GB: Because your alliance also says it's okay.

Scientist: Really? You believe those? The only things they're smart in are deception, considering they got you on their side.

Everyone was silent for a moment as Hunter semi fell down the stairs with his gear on, his 2 hands connected to the dock on his back.

Hunter: Im here!

Scientist: go back to bed boy, this won't be pretty.

Everyone stood silent for a moment until a fight commenced. Pyro went for Tampered Alt and Y as Gearshift went for GB and Hunter while Frost took on Monster.

Frost dodged a strike from Monster and jumped out the window outside to try and limit the damage, though 2 get out Monster just smashed through the wall. He collected multiple rocks using his claw and threw them at Frost who formed a purple shield to block them. However Monster ran forward and punched the shield with his enlarged hand which cracked it.

Frost tried to shield bash him though he simply tanked the hit and threw Frost by the shield. Frost landed down and dodged yet another strike as he punched Monster in the face twice before before smacked by the claw which sent him into the back of the building.

Frost began fighting more aggressively, trying to not give Monster an opportunity to recover, but not only was his for strong, but also agile. Monster dodged each stroke with ease and he suddenly parried one and grabbed Frosts leg. He slammed Frost into the ground multiple times before throwing him up into the sky. He jumped up after Frost as below the others thought.

Y shot multiple tendrils at Pyro though he expertly dodged them and made them garden by applying his heat to them. Tampered Alt fired a laser from his prosthetic arms palm though Pyro once more dodged and kicked him in the stomach, he then struck Tampered Alt sending him back. TAs and GBs backs hit as they looked at each other and nodded. They suddenly spun around and swapped sides surprising both their foes and allowing for them to get a good hit on both.

Hunters anger regulator core turned off as he suddenly became more rabid, he jumped at Pyro and tore into his neck with his teeth and ripped out multiple chunks of flesh. His floating hands also began beating him.

Gearshift pulled Tampered Alt towards himself though Tampered Alt simply ducked under the strike pinned him to the floor.

Back outside Frostt and Monster landed and Frost was able to dispense a heavy amount of lava onto his foe burning him badly and causing the ice to start melting. Monster began thrashing and screaming in pain as he stumbled back. Frost went to attack but Traitor appeared in front of him.

A glitchy portal appeared on Frosts chest and Traitor reached his hand in and pulled a writhing pile of metal scrap and wires.

Traitor: No exoskeleton for you bitch!

Traitor threw the mass at Monster and it formed around enhancing his claw and giving him some more muscle mass. Frost went to attack anyway but Monster just punched him in the stomach breaking all his ribs before grabbing Frosts arm. He twisted it and snapped it completely with ease before going to do the same with the neck. Though a laser shot from Hunter scared him off as he fled with the rest of the team.

Frost smirked as he passed out.

Cold Squad - Frost Side StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora