Chapter 3 pt3

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Frost and GB were watching TV, around 10pm, Y, Tampered Alt and Hunter had gone off to do their own thing in their rooms.

Frost: Your alliance doesn't really broadcast anything more do they?

GB: Yeah. You only really get the basic channels out here.

GB leaned back and sighed.

Frost: So what do we do? Neither of us are tired?

GB: Wanna just talk?

Frost: Sure... Have I ever asked how you got this house?

GB: Oh yeah I told them how to upgrade their titans and where to get the materials. I also told them a big weakness about the astro rings. In exchange they built me this house and gave me a decent chunk of money. I've been living off that for the past like..... Almost a year and I've barely made a dent in it.

Frost: Do you get bored?

GB: Sometimes. If I'm really bored I'll usually go help out on the battlefield. Besides that I play video games. But I don't have any multiplayer ones.

Frost: Fair enough. I don't either.

GB: Why do you hide your face?

Frost: Oh I just....well I guess I just never liked showing it and the helmet had some combat use. TV men light and stuff.

GB: Can I see what's under it?

Frost: I mean I don't see why not?

Frost took the helmet off to show his face, it looked pretty similar to the last time he had shown it to anyone, except for that he had clearly shaved.

GB: Nice.

Frost: What were you expecting?

GB: I don't know. I've kinda forgotten what human faces look like. There's no humans out here and the Skibidis faces are always deforming themselves. So what have you been doing before coming here? But like after you left the alliance.

Frost: We did some mercenary work. We'll probably start again soon.

GB: What kind? Bounties? Robberies?

Frost: Debt collection and infiltration mainly. Just had to beat a few guys up to take their stuff.

GB: I can see you were probably good at the beating up part.

Frost chuckled and his cheeks reddened slightly as he put the camera helmet back on.

Frost: Yeah I guess. You're also pretty good at fighting. You took those toilets on pretty well when we were Tampered back.

GB: I'd say I did okay. Normally I have a weapon or a back that doesn't have a 3 year old on it.

Frost: How are you able to flip around like that while holding a kid?

GB: I'm stronger than you think.

GB lifted her shirt up slightly to reveal some muscles. Not quite jacked but considering her slim physique it was surprising. Frost blushed once more and went silent for a moment.

GB: What? It's just a friend showing another friend their strength.

For some reason that sentence oddly hurt Frost.

Frost: Sure.... I mean I am as well, but I also had an exoskeleton to thank for that and that muscle is fading pretty quickly.

Frost lifted up his shirt slightly to reveal a very faint six pack. GB slapped him in the stomach making him blush and jump back.

GB: It's still mostly there, so I reckon if you just exerted yourself a bit more you'd redevelop it fairly quickly. Hold on there's an exercise. Put your head straight.

GB walked in front of Frost but noticed his head wasn't completely straight so she leaned in close and pulled the camera helmet off. She went to straighten his head but he blushed once more. And GB seemed to notice this time as she blushed back slightly.

GB almost leaned in a little further but they were interrupted by the sound of clashing metal from outside the house.

GB: The fuck is that?

GB got up to go check it out.

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