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I sat down in my room, snapping Salish. She told me about her YouTube channel, and I immediately followed her and her dad.

"Maybe you can be in our videos! I would love that so much we could do gymnastics challenges and Katie too!" Salish chatted down the phone.

"That would be great!" I said.

"I'm asking dad right now! Oh, and are you free in two days?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"We could have a sleepover, and that could be the video!" She said excitedly.

I got a notification and picked up my phone. It was a request on Snapchat. I looked at who it was.

Their name was Nidal. I quickly accepted, and he snapped me straight away.

I snapped him back and then put down my phone. I heard a knock on the door downstairs and slowly made my way down.

My mum answered, and I looked at who it was.

It was a guy. Quite tall with a mop of short ginger hair. He was grinning and nodding.

He saw me and waved. "You must be Y/n!" He shouted. I laughed. This had to be Sailishes, dad.

The next day, I packed my bag with clothes and skincare, adding all the things I would need when I went to Salishes.

Once I had packed, I went outside where Jordan and Hudson were waiting for me in their car.

I got in, and Jordan started a conversation about a video idea he had planned.

When we arrived at his house, we all got out and walked up to the front door. Jordan took out his keys and swung open the doors.

"Oh, Nidals here too for the video." Hudson said before going into the house.

I walked in, and a small white dog greeted me. I crouched down to give it some cuddles.

"That's Boomer." Salish said. She petted him. I stood up, and she hugged me. I hugged her back, and then she dragged me upstairs excitedly.

Nidal was on her bed on his tummy fiddling with a rubix cube. He sat up when we walked in.

"Stay here a minute, Y/n. I will just go get the snacks." She said before dashing out of the room.

I put my bag down and gave a small smile to Nidal. He grinned back and patted the bed beside him.

I sat down and took out my phone. Katie will be coming soon.

"Have you been in America your whole life?" Nidal asked. I looked up at him, turning my phone off.

"No, I moved here when I was ten." I replied. Nidal nodded.

Salish came in and chucked all sorts of goodies at me. I chuckled.

She bounced onto the bed. "So Y/n tell me about yourself." She said and looked at me expectantly.

"Um, I lived in England before I moved here when I was ten. I started gymnastics at seven and quickly moved up. Uh, I did contortion for about two years." I said.

"Woah, show is something!" Salish said.

I kneeled down on the floor and did a chin stand, and tucked my legs beside my shoulders.

Salish clapped. Nidal looked shocked. "Tell me about yourselves then." I said and sat back down imbetween Salish and Nidal.

"I started gymnastics when I was two. I met Nidal when I was ten or eleven it was a while ago, so how would I know." She laughed.

I turned to Nidal.

"I'm a record breaker flipper. I moved to Texas but came back like two weeks ago." He said. I nodded.

"Very nice." I said.

"Y/n do you wear crop tops. I know that's really random." Salish asked.

I smiled. "No. I would like to, but I don't think I would look that great." I explained.

"You are so pretty, of course they would!" She said. I smiled.

"Let's go outside on the tramp!" Nidal said, getting up.

"Okay!" I said, bouncing off the bed. Salish followed after.

Katie turned up after a while and joined us outside. 

"So I have been doing some research." She said. Everyone laughed. "So what's #nailsih?" She asked.

"Oh, it's a ship people do." Nidal said.

"Yeah, but I don't agree, and neither does Nidal." Salish added.

Nidal made a face. Salish hit him, and he laughed.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now