1 : flashbacks

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the young girl sighed heavily as she sat absent mindedly in front of the television.

"chanel mi amor, qué xopa? what's causing your troubles?" the sweet grandma said in her thick panamanian accent.

"abuelita, does mommy love daddy?" a 6 year old chanel asks her grandma.

"claro está! that's why you were made." her grandma replied, trying to convince the young girl.

"then why is mommy always with a new daddy?" chanel innocently asks.

"ah dios mío! esta estúpida mujer." chanel giggled as she understood that her grandma was cussing out her mom.

"there is different ways of showing love, dear. your mommy and daddy... there's is just... different." her grandma paused, unsure herself on what to label chanel's parents toxic relationship.

"so love is real then? i will be in love one day." chanel says dreamily.

"izzz. once that perfect person catches you, you will be trapped inside their love cycle." grandma says as she gives a happy chanel a toothy grin.


"chanel my princess, look what i got you." chanel's dad grabs her attention.

chanel puts her coloring pencil down as she wanders over to her father. she watched as he smiled at her, hiding something behind his back. she tried to peer behind his back but he quickly side stepped away from her.

"you know how i couldn't get you anything for your 10th birthday?" chanel's dad says.

"yeahhh." chanel drags.

"well i got you this, i know it's 2 weeks late. but i worked very hard to afford this. it may not be a lot but-" chanel cut her dad off by abruptly hugging him.

"i love it daddy." chanel says grabbing the big bear from his hands.

it was a blue bear with a pink nose, it had chanel dior engraved on the left side of its chest.

chanel cheesed. she didn't care whether or not it was expensive, she knew her financial situation. she was just grateful that her dad actually bought her something.

chanel was never the type of child to complain or compare what other children had in regards to her, she was always understanding.

"i'm glad you like it and look." her dad said crouching down to her level. he grabbed the bear and pressed over its heart where her name was engraved, it lit up.

it began making a rhythmic beat as it flashed slowly.

"it got my heart beat in there, so you can always feel my presence." the young man smiled as his daughter looked at him with adoration.

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