Chapter 13: 2 Truths 1 Lie Part 1

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There's nothing quite like waking up with someone you have a fondness of. I felt content with Shayne's duvet covering me as he holds me in a spooning position, his eyes still closed as he softly breaths. I let myself lay there and feel relaxed. I grab my phone and see it's still quite early and I didn't have a class to teach until later in the day. I slowly let myself get up and stretched as Shayne didn't even stir. I maneuvered into the kitchen and decided to be a bit domestic and cook breakfast for Shayne. I got out the supplies for spinach and tomato omelets and strawberry pancakes. I began cooking and humming the songs I was teaching to my classes today. Arms snaked around my middle as I felt the scruff of Shayne's unshaven face on my mostly bare shoulder. I was in just my bra and a pair of Shayne's sweats. He hummed at the smell from the pans as I worked on the perfect golden pancakes. I felt him live a small kiss on my shoulder and placed his head sleepily back atop the same spot. I let my head fall onto his as I continued cooking.

"It smells really good" Shayne mumbled, his eyes closed peacefully.

"It'll taste even better" I happily stated flipping the pancake in the pan, "Will you get out plates and utensils for me?"

Shayne only nodded and grumbled as he move himself away from me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before puttering around the small kitchen grabbing a couple plates, forks, and knives. He also grabbed a couple coffee mugs and started up the Keurig. His hair was a mess and he definitely was not a morning person. But, he looked so much at peace as he stirred in the creamer the way I liked it before putting a smaller amount into his own. I smiled at the realization that he had bought vanilla caramel creamer just for when I stay over. I finished up the food and plated it, moving to set the plates on the small round dining table Shayne had in-between his living room and his kitchen.

We happily ate and talked about our work plans for the day. Shayne discussed some of his sketch pitches he was taking to work as I attempted to explain the dances I was teaching. I always found it somewhat hard to explain my classes without actively showing someone the moves or dance itself. I laughed when he asked me to show him some of my moves and I happily agreed that I would give him some dance lessons some day. As we finished up, we sat in happy silence cleaning our dishes together.

"Do you wanna take a shower or anything before you head out?" Shayne asked as he held me in a loving embrace by my hips, talking into my neck once again. I shied away from his warm breath tickling the hairs at the nape of my neck.

" Do I smell?" I asked cuddling his head into my shoulder.

"If I say yes, will it make you stay a bit longer?" I could hear the pout in his voice.

I turned and wrapped my arms securely around his neck, " I still have to change, do my hair, finish my coffee" I kissed his nose, "So, you still have a little longer to get all of your cuddling out of your system" I gasped loudly as Shayne quite literally swept me off of my feet and spun me once before carrying me/ dragging me back to his bedroom, me laughing loudly with him as he did so.


A few weeks later I was teaching my beginner ballet class with the little kids I worked with when I noticed during our water break that Ian had texted me, which was odd. I grabbed my water bottle and checked any other messages, liking a meme Damien had sent me as I did so.

Ian: Hey! We were wondering if you'd be open to the idea of doing a video with Shayne on Smosh Pit sometime.

Me: Sure, what kind of video?

Ian: Two Truths, One Lie

I remember Shayne and Damien showing me that train wreck of a video Ian did with his lovely ex, Pam, whom I had met a couple of times through YouTube things. I mildly cringed as I remembered how terrible it had gone for him. I sighed and glanced back as my class began to filter back into their spots. I quickly sent out my response to Ian before getting back to my place in the front of the large mirror.

"Alright lets go from the top and we'll add on from where we ended"

Me: Let's talk after my class.


I finally got back to the quiet apartment and made my way into the kitchen, petting Freya absent mindedly as I made myself a quick protein shake. Something I wasn't really into until I had met Shayne. I placed my favorite straw into the chilled drink and gave a call to Ian. I maneuvered my way to the teal couch in Damien and I's shared living area as I did so.

"Hey!" Ian answered after a couple of rings.

"Hi, so uhm... Did Shayne give you this video idea?" I asked nervously picking at my nails, a terrible subconscious habit.

"No, no" Ian quickly spoke, "It's an idea I've had since I first noticed you liked the guy. Honestly," I heard a small laugh come out of him, "I was gonna make Shayne ask you out through the idea if he didn't nut up and do it himself"

"Well then I'm glad he did" I said mildly shocked at the idea of Shayne asking me to be his girlfriend in a video online.

Ian grabbed my attention from my internal thoughts once again, "So, would you be down?"

"Oh uh... sure I guess?" I was still not to sure.

Ian quickly went into business mode, "Since this will be the first time you guys are together on camera as a couple, maybe talk to Shayne about posting about you guys on Instagram or Twitter to get some recognition and hype out." I nodded silently as he continued, "I wanna make sure you're comfortable and ready to shoot first,"

I smiled softly, "I appreciate that, Ian"

"Would it be possible for me to come down to the office for a couple days to post on social media as well? That way I have a buffer of media for your fans to find?" I asked already noticing that I had a couple of posts on Twitter and Insta of Damien and Courtney, and one of Shayne and I from just a couple weeks ago.

"Absolutely!" Ian spoke excitedly.

"Okay good, I'm still not really used to being on the content end of a camera" I admitted. Although I had been to the Smosh office a few times, I really had been solely behind the scenes. I had made a short appearance in a Try Not To Laugh as aid to Damien through a pre-recorded video, but that was about it. Me actually staring in a video along side Shayne, was like throwing me in the deep end.

"And I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or pressured by this. We probably won't even have the shoot schedule for another couple of weeks." Ian reassured me, I thanked him before moving our conversation into a more friendly banter.


In the next couple of weeks I had visited the Smosh Office as much as I could and Shayne and I were almost inseparable. I was getting social media tips from Tommy, Kiana, and Erin D. I kept photos of Shayne and I to post on Instagram and fans were definitely starting to notice.

 I kept photos of Shayne and I to post on Instagram and fans were definitely starting to notice

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A/N: Part Two will be out later today :)

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A/N: Part Two will be out later today :)

Roomate's Best Friend (Shayne Topp) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now