Chapter 10: A "Not" Double Date

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It had been a few months since Damien and I made up and we were finally back to being a bit comfortable with each other. I did stay with Courtney for a little while longer. But, now I was back at Damien and I's apartment. As of right now I was having a personal practice day to get myself ready for a competition I had myself signed up for in the following months. I had my usual workout playlist loudly playing since usually the studio was almost empty on a Sunday like today.

As "Only Angel" by Harry Styles came on I made eye contact with myself in the mirror. This song always made me feel more powerful. As the base of the song kicked off I started to blindly dance as I usually would when I find a good song to choreograph. I was kind of glad I gave myself the challenge of wearing wedges because it made the silhouettes of the dance stand out more to myself in the mirror. while in the middle of the chorus I was getting a face time notification from none other than Shayne. We had gotten a LOT closer in the past month and face times happened almost every other day. I turned down my music and answered.

"Hey!" I smiled enthusiastically to Shayne who was still in bed...and shirtless. I had gotten better abut being nervous around him which was really hard when it was early in the morning and he was shirtless and his voice still not adjusted to being awake.

"Hey, sorry I didn't realize you had a class right now" He replied lazily.

"No no, " I gestured to the empty dance space, "Just me... I was in a good mood when I woke up and wanted to let some energy out"

"Oooh, free show then?" He joked as he had done before once when he showed up at the studio unannounced to give me something that Damien had left at his apartment. 

I giggled, "Sure, but try not to swoon!" I smirked setting up my phone on a mount I had on the mirror that was off to the side, mainly for You Tube but now also for when Shayne or Courtney or anyone else wanted a progress update.

I turned on "Kiwi" (Also by Harry Styles) and started a whole routine I had finished the week prior. I wasn't even looking at my phone but instead at myself, really feeling the song and the fluidity in the movements. I could feel this routine becoming a real workout for me after the stuff I had been doing an hour prior. After I had finished I bounded over to my phone where Shayne was obnoxiously clapping and cheering. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my sweat towel wiping down the back of my neck and taking down my hair before redoing the high ponytail it was in previously as Shayne showered me with compliments.

"So..." Shayne said after I took a quick water break, "I actually had a reason to call you"

I looked over to him confused, "Which was?" He coughed awkwardly before replying, "Uhm, so Damien and I really want to try this Korean Barbecue place that just opened up and Courtney overheard and pretty much invited herself so I said that I'd go if you go..."

I continued with my confused gaze, "Wait so why didn't Damien or Courtney ask me?"

"Well, Courtney is pretty much making it my issue to get over myself and ask you"

I smiled as the realization of Courtney's words settled in and I laughed a bit, "So like a double date?"

Shayne's face instantly turned red and he became as awkward as the day I met him, "W-well no... Courtney and Damien don't have feelings for each other and you're WAY too pretty for me"

My spine straightened in shock, "Wait what was that last part?"

"I uh, gotta go, I'm about to get called on set..."

"Shayne you're at-" He hung up, "home..." I sighed, staring at my recent FaceTime list and about 90% to of it was Shayne. The rest being Courtney and my mom, who was in real estate and constantly busy. I had also realized that Shayne never said when so I then face timed Courtney who almost instantly answered.

Roomate's Best Friend (Shayne Topp) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now