Chapter 8: Maybe I'll move!

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The next morning wasn't not even slightly better. I barely opened my eyes before quickly squeezing them shut, the pain in my head was unbearable as I whined loudly. My throat was sore and my body ached. I rolled onto my side where I felt a warm presents in front of me. I slowly opened my eyes and as the adjust I made out a male figure with familiar brown hair. As my brain started to function I realized the dark grey sheets I was on were Damien and I almost screamed in panic. I held in the noise though and quickly sat up, getting out of the bed. I realized I was wearing one Damien's Smosh hoodies and before I could even try to process that I bolted to my room, almost tripping over both Zelda and Freya. Zelda angrily meowed at my disturbance of peace as I made it into my room and into my bed. As I sat on my bed for a moment I suddenly grabbed my phone that was in the hoodie pocket and FaceTime Courtney.

"Courtney!" I whispered yelled in panic.

"Is that Damien's hoodie?" Courtney asked, neither of us saying hello.

I nodded and replied, "What do you remember from last night?"

Courtney look mildly confused before replying, "Everything, the insane amount of drinks both of us had, you and Damien danced for a little when you suddenly disappeared and I didn't really see you for the rest of the night... What happened?"

"I don't know! I woke up in Damien's hoodie and in his bed" I said in panic and Courtney's eyes widened, "Well you don't think..."

I shook my head, "I don't want to think about it"

Courtney nodded and I suddenly remembered one thing from later on in the night. Kimmy and Shayne.

"Courtney?" I asked grabbing her attention away from her own thoughts, "Did Kimmy go home alone last night?"

Courtney looked confused before replying, "She got a little too drunk and sick before midnight and Ian took her home because he only had one drink."

I nodded before replying, "What about Shayne?"

Courtney laughed at the mention of Shayne before saying, "He was so sloshed that he fell asleep on one of the couches in the Smosh office. Matt Raub found him and He and Damien got him to Damien's car, I guess the two of you got him to his apartment last night... At least I'm assuming that's what happened"

I slowly nodded, " I honestly don't remember much, except that I saw Kimmy and Shayne talking quite...closely...together" I muttered quietly.

Courtney sighed, "Well I can tell you there's absolutely nothing going on there, I think maybe you and Shayne should just talk"

I nodded and we said our goodbyes before I ended the call and sighed letting my phone fall onto my bed and moving over to my closet to change my own clothes. Something just felt off about last night. I know that Damien didn't drink last night, so I should probably ask him about my all my questions. I was extremely worried that something happened between us which had been a fear of mine since I moved in. I refuse to believe Damien would ever do anything with ill intentions but at the same time I don't know why I woke up next to him this morning.

I made my way back to Damien's room and sat next to his sleeping figure before lightly shaking him, "Dames"

Luckily since he didn't drink last night he woke up quite easily. He hummed and barely opened his eyes. Once he recognized me he sat up a little, still very tired and groggy.

"What's up?" He said, his voice gravely.

"Uh, can we have a chat? I mean, I'll let you wake up a bit, but could we have a chat in the kitchen?" I asked and he quietly nodded, with a mild look of confusion on his face.

I smiled tightly before getting up and heading to the kitchen and starting a pot of coffee. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I sat down at our coffee table, Zelda sat by leg. Damien soon enough emerged from his room in a pair of grey sweats and a random anime t-shirt. He poured himself a cup of coffee silently and finally sat down across from me. Silence.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked with a timid look in his eyes as if there was something he was worried about us talking about.

I sighed and frowned, "What the hell happened last night?" I asked mildly frustrated, "I was extremely scared to wake up in YOUR bed in YOUR clothes this morning. All I remember from last night after playing beer pong with you, Courtney, and Ian is all blurry except for..."

"Shayne?" He asked almost as if admitting something. I nodded, "But that still doesn't explain most of last night and I know for a fact you decided to be DD last night"

Damien nodded and looked down at his mug before replying, "I made a bad decision last night and I now really regret it. I was being selfish and I didn't take yours or anyone else's feelings into account. I uh... we" Damien groaned before looking up at me, "I kissed you at midnight last night"

I sat and just stared at him processing. Damien kissed me? why? How come I don't remember any of this? Did anyone see this?

"I..." I started but Damien swiftly cut me off to ramble, " I just did it because I really like you and after you saw Shayne and Kimmy together I thought maybe I had a chance. TO be honest I had no idea of your feelings towards Shayne until last night and I got a bit jealous. I also didn't like how upset you were and thought it'd make you feel better. But afterwards you just pushed me away and said nothing to me for the rest of the night. When we left the party you sat in the back with Shayne who was passed out. When we got home you got sick and I helped you clean up and put you in my bed just in case you got sick in your sleep"

It was quiet for a few moments before I finally stood up with a frown deeply etched into my face, "Damien, what the hell? First of all, how do you know about my feelings about Shayne?"

"You told me last night after I found you crying in the Smosh office"

I crossed my arms even more upset now, "And yet you still kissed me?! Even if Shayne doesn't return my feelings that gives you no right..." my voice wavered as I felt tears well up in my eyes, "To take advantage of me like that. I was too drunk to even walk properly!" Damien's eyes widened as he replied quietly, "I-I didn't mean to take advantage of you, I just wanted to see you smile"

"Then tell me a joke! Take my mind of the situation with a story or a game or something! You don't just kiss a drunk girl because they're crying, Damien" I yelled before leaving the room. I heard Damien instantly get up and follow me to the living room, "W-wait where are you going"

"I don't know maybe Courtney's, maybe Ian's... someone who can comfort me properly!" I angrily shut my door and locked it. I quickly texted Courtney to come and pick me up telling her to please not ask questions. I started packing a small suite case and got all of my essentials before moving back into the living room where Damien was sitting with watery red eyes biting his lip as he rapidly typed on his phone. When he noticed me his eyes widened at the sight of the stuff in my hands, "How long are you gonna be gone?"

"I don't know" I said sternly, "Maybe I'll move!" I said before exiting out of the apartment, more tears running down my face.

Roomate's Best Friend (Shayne Topp) [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt