Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2

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The Judge said as he silenced the galley again as Phoenix continued to speak. 

Phoenix: It’s 2:30 PM on the day of the murder! 

Ms. Dee Vasquez meets Jack Hammer outside the Studio Two trailer! Then she did it! She pushed Mr. Hammer off the stairs onto the fence! Just like Mr. Hammer had himself done five years ago! Though whether she did it on purpose or by accident, I cannot say. 

Vasquez: …! 

Edgeworth: I-in other words… th-the victim, Jack Hammer… He died in the same way that he caused another man to die… five years ago! 

Phoenix: Precisely. Ironic, isn’t it? 

Vasquez: … Hoh hoh. Very creative, Mr. Wright. I could use a man like you on my script writing staff. 

Phoenix: You deny that what I say is true? 

Vasquez: … Mr. Wright. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Hammer died at the trailer as you say. Yet, the body was found at Studio One, was it not? And in the Evil Magistrate’s costume, no less. Are you then claiming that I carried the body to Studio One… And return to the trailer, all in the space of a 15 minute break? How could I have disposed of the body!? 

Phoenix: … 

Edgeworth: The break in the meeting at the trailer lasted 15 minutes, from 2:30 to 2:45. Could Jack Hammer have been pushed off the stairs to his death… then carried to Studio One and placed inside his costume? There wasn’t enough time! 

Judge: Hmm… indeed. Well, Mr. Wright? How could she have dealt with the body? 

Phoenix: What if she had another way to carry the body, other than with her own hands? 

Vasquez: For instance? 

Phoenix: Actually, for that matter, there was no need for her to do the deed in 15 minutes!  And there was a way to carry the body! 

Vasquez: !!! I-interesting! Let’s hear it then. 

Judge: Mr. Wright? Please show us how she carried the body. 

He said as Ryan handed Phoenix a paper that had info about the van Vasquez mentioned that Sal drove her to Studio One after the meeting. 

Phoenix: Take that! Ms. Vasquez. You carried the body to Studio One. And you used the studio van to do it! 

Vasquez: !!! 

She gasped out in shock as the gallery went back to whisper over the info as the Judge quickly slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone as Phoenix continued. 

Phoenix: Recall your testimony… “There was to be a rehearsal afterwards, so we went to Studio One. I was fatigued, so I had Sal take me. There was a van there, right? I had Sal drive me.” You used the van to carry the body to Studio One! Then, before everyone else got there, you put the body into the Magistrate costume!  

Vasquez: …! 

Edgeworth: Objection! Hold on, Wright! Don’t forget, it was Sal Manella that drove the van! Are you suggesting that Mr. Manella was a conspirator

Phoenix: Of course, Sal Manella has to have been a conspirator! The body had to be placed in the van, and put into the costume. There’s no way Ms. Vasquez could have done that alone! Also, don’t forget that they had to dispose of the Steel Samurai costume. They had to… because it was covered in Mr. Hammer’s blood! They probably burned it in that small incinerator. Well, Ms. Vasquez! Shall I continue? 

Vasquez: … No need. You’re smarter than you look, Mr. Wright. Hmph. I lose. You win. It… was fun. 

Phoenix: ‘I… win!?’ … 

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