Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3

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As they looked around the park, the three arrived at the woods, where there were two cameras and something underneath a blue tarp were on the shore of the lake. 

December 25
Gourd Lake Woods

Maya: I like it here, Nick, Fake Nick. Look… someone’s camping! 

Phoenix: They’ve got guts, camping at the scene of a murder. 

Maya: Hey, hey, Nick! Fake Nick! If they were camping here last night, they might know something about the murder! 

Ryan: ‘That’s true…’ 

Phoenix: Good call, Maya. Let’s go talk to them. 

As they searched for the person camping there, Phoenix walked over to one of the cameras that had a mic and something attached to it. 

Phoenix: This camera has a mic and some sort of attachment. It must take pictures when triggered by a noise. 

Maya: Wow! Cool! Let’s try it out! *cough’ “Hi, I’m Nick!” … Maybe I’m not saying it loud enough. “HEY! I’M NICK!!!” … Huh. NIIIIII….IIIICK!! 

Phoenix: Will you stop that? 

Maya: Maybe it’s broken? 

Ryan: D-don’t kick it! 

Phoenix: Maybe it isn’t set to respond to voices? 

Maya: Well what then? These things? 

Ryan: The party poppers…? 

He asked as Maya pulled the string on one of the poppers, and the camera suddenly started to take tons of pictures as that surprised her. 

Maya: … Well. It responded. 

???: Yaaaaaaaaaw! Hey, you! Git yer hands offa’ that! 

Maya: Eek! 

She yelped out in surprise as an older woman with dark red hair that was held up by a headband, rushed out of nowhere as she ran towards the cameras next to the lake before frowning. 

???: What in the Sam Hill…!? Look what ya done now! There goes a whole roll of film! 

Maya: Ah? Wha… huh? S-sorry! 

???: Sorry’s nice but it don’t pay my bills! Y’all know how much a roll of that film costs!? 

Maya: I-I’ll pay you back! 

???: What were ya’ll thinkin’ settin’ off a party-popper in a place like this? 

Maya: Uh… well… 

???: Don’t try to play stupid with me just ‘cause you think I’m some country bumpkin! Yeah, I know how y’all Yanks think! “I say, those southern folks talk with that exaggerated drawl, why they must be dumb!” Well let me tell you, just because I might be dumb don’t mean we all are! 

Maya: N-Nick, F-Fake Nick, help! 

???: And who are you two, now? Her chaperones? 

Phoenix: Yeah, uh, no, rather, uh… we’re sort of… friends? 

???: Jus’ figure out what y’all gonna say and say if for bejezzum’s sake! Gawd, I’d rather sit through one of papa’s drawls than listen to you stutter all day. 

Phoenix: ‘Oh boy… I guess we should pay her for the film…’

???: Watch it! 

Ryan: Yes, ma’am. 

Phoenix: ‘On second thought, I’ll pay later…’ 

Maya: I’m really sorry! 

She said, still afraid of the older woman as Phoenix presented his badge to her, showing that he’s a lawyer. 

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