Welcome, Roommate!

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art: suikabc on twitter ( X )

Hello everyone, I know it's been a long while since I updated this thing but here I am. I wanna say I feel like most of the stories in here are a bit cringy but anyway, heres a nice short story for you all. Enjoy.


Sasuke and Naruto are like kids. Adults...acting like kids.

They share an apartment together as roommates. Naruto thought living alone wasn't really his kind of thing and went to search for one. It seemed like Sasuke had the same idea as they found each other on some roommate website.

It started off nice, with Sasuke really liking the other boys appearance. He looked like a healthy male who really took care of himself. Soft blonde hair with big blue eyes, and clear skin. If you got close to him you could get the scent of oranges.

The house was pretty clean but Sasuke could see some cleaning products sitting on the small dresser in front of the door, like someone just finished cleaning it.

They got along pretty well, really stayed in their own space but did talk about certain things once in a while.

Well..maybe in their dreams...

No they did not get along. In fact, it was the complete opposite. Since they had similar bedsheets, they would argue over which is which and would end up with one person not having a blanket for the night. Sometimes one of their favorite foods would go missing, or someone's keys, shoes, shirt, pants, underwear, you name it.

Trash on the floor from Narutos snacks and Sasuke would go on a rampage about keeping his space clean.

" Naruto! Theres wrappers left on the coffee table."

" I'll get it up later!"

" Stop being a lazy ass and pick this shit up! Im done cleaning up after you! "

" Lazy my ass! I said I'll get it later!"

" You lazy son of a-"

One of them would be playing music too loud, the other would be chewing too loud, Sasuke tripping over Naruto banana peels and Naruto being forced to eat vegetables instead of ramen.

Crazy roommates, aren't they?


After they both got done with their showers and separate dinners they made their way to bed. Naruto in orange silk pajamas and Sasuke in dark blue.

Naruto laid on his side, facing the window in the room. Sasuke was breaking his nerves and a ' good day ' has really been hard to come by with Sasuke being there.

" Naruto."

The window beamed with the moonlight. The room was dark. The other side of the bed slowly started to sink with a presence.

"I love you."

You could hear rain pouring and the animals starting to quiet down, it was.. sort of peaceful. He'd hope someday he could just wake up in peace, that would take a while tho, with the one he loved.

It was hard to have ' good days ' with Sasuke, but it sure wasn't hard to have a ' good night '. A soft pale hand slowly started to unbutton his shirt.

Well.. sure loved his boyfriend. ;)

The end.


Hey, they fought over covers but one of them had one for the rest of the night, that would've meant the other could've just got another cover?? No... they only had one cover, they actually fought over which one gets to have more of the cover on them. Stupid.. right?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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