+My life+

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I don't have anything to live for anymore. I just wanna be with my dad,maybe everyone will give me a break.Everything has changed in my life, my father died when I was 2 .I never really knew him, my mother was always saying I was a mistake,and that if I wasn't born he would be alive.When ever she was angry she would take it out on me.She would beat me with everything she saw, she would say horrible things to me, and most of all her boyfriend. My mother is 36 and her boyfriend is 20.When she's not around he tries to rape me but I don't let it happen.I fight with all I can and when my mother comes home he'll make up a lie saying I coming on to him.then she would beat me and lock me in a closet.Her boyfriend turned her into a prostitute. He's the reason.... my mother does drugs .I didn't have any friends out here ,I mostly stayed to myself but at school my hell doesn't End.The hell Burns and runs deep there fore it doesn't End.This boy Jacob and his boys they pick on me and beat on me. Their girlfriends do the same. No one really tried to save me, no one ever does.I remember I had a friend, but Jacob ruined that for me.I was friends with his girlfriend, when I needed help she would help me.One day Jacob thought it was funny to lie, saying I tried to kiss him and steal him away from her. It didn't End well for me I ended up getting beat up for nothing. I'M used to it by now,its a repeated cycle it goes on and on.What did I ever do to deserve this life?What do I do to them? What makes it OK to hurt a person? I have feelings but it doesn't feel like it.When will I have a friend to stand by my side and help take the pain away?
▷▷School ▷▷
I walked to my locker and Jacob and his boys pushed the books out of my hand.When I tried to get them they started kicking me and spitting on me.I sat there crying like a baby, that's all I could do. It would be very stupid of me to try and fight back when I know I'll lose.
"Get up you lil bitch",Jacob said laughing with his boys.
I don't make an attempt to get up I stay on the ground lifelessly.
"I think she's scared ",Cherasonto replied kicking me in the side.
I cry in pain, because it hurts there the most.I hold my side and feel the blood trickling down my shirt.
"Clean ya self now",Craig yelled at me like I was a dog.
I crawled to the bathroom and laid on the floor crying. Then Melissa, Kelly, &Jasmine came in the bathroom.
"Awww she's hurt",Melissa said laughing.
Kelly rolls her eyes at me.
"She's such an attention hoarder ",Kelly said applying her make up on.
jasmine just looked at me and walked out the bathroom. She was the nicest one in the group.so I couldn't say I hated her, because I couldn't she was nice to me sort of.
I struggle to get paper towels to wipe the blood away, then Melissa punched me in the face.
"Thats what you get for trying to steal my man"
With that her and Kelly walked out like it was nothing.I couldn't go to class looking like this.I decided to stay in the bathroom and cry.there wasn't anything I could do about the situations in my life.I hated that I'M too weak to defend my self, and the fact I'M not strong enough to stand up on my own.
I cleaned myself off ignoring the pain swelling up inside me.I put Concealer and other make up to cover up my bruises.I decide to walk to class.I was 15 mins.late so I already knew I was getting detention.
Ms.Hawthorne: Late again Myasia
I sink my head low and sit in the back of the room.Then I hear them talking about how they kicked my ass.I put my head down then I heard the teacher say we had a new student.When I looked up he was gorgeous. He was tall about 6'5, long hair, pretty skin tone, nice smile.I dont know why I'm getting in my feelings for this boy.He's going to be like the rest and think i'm the ugliest girl to walk in this school.
Ms.Hawthorne:whats ya name sweetheart?
Ms.Hawthorne:sit next to Myasia
Shes in the back raise your hand Myasia
I slowly raise my hand,signaling different pains in my arm.I brought it back down and put my head down.
Rayan sat down in his seat and I felt him looking at me.When I look up at him he smiles.I don't smile back I lay my head back down.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see a paper on my desk.
I open it up:
Hey you ok?
I take a pencil out my book bag
No I'M not
I gave it back to rayan he read it and frowned.
Rayan: what's going down?
Me:its hard to explain you'll see it sooner other later
Me:you'll see when the bell rings
Rayan: ok
I let him keep the note my hand was sore asf. I couldn't take any more pressure on my wrist.
-1min.later -
The bell rings now I had to face one of the worst parts of my day.Rayan looked at me like what's going.. I wait for Jacob & his crew to come out.
"I bet she's going to be a hoe like her mother. "Cherasonto said smirking at me
When I try to walk away Jacob trips me up.I fall on my wrist and I start crying all over.The excruciating pain takes over my body all at once.Craig & Kelly start beating me.Jacob was about to bitch slap me Like he always does but when his hand came down I didn't feel a thing.I opened my eyes and saw that Rayan blocked the hit.
"Wtf are you doing? "Craig yelled pushing Rayan on the locker.
"Stop messing with her, "Rayan said with his chest flaring. I could tell he was angry. But why? No one really cared about me before.
I escape before they realize I'M gone.I limp to my gym class.
when I limp in there Kelly & Melissa laugh at my appearance. I sit in a corner and get Dressed.I put on a tank top and some Nike shorts .
"Aww she think she cute"Kelly said laughing with other girls
"Why do you have to be so mean"said a voice I have never heard before.
"Who are you ",Melissa said in a cold tone
"I'M jordyn I'M new here "
"Well stay out of things that don't concern you, "
The jordyn girl rolls her eyes & walks over to me.
Jordyn: you ok?
Me:yea I'M fine
We go out in the gym and see the guys already out there.Jacob & Cherasonto are in this class.I also see Rayan smiling at me.Why is he being so nice to me ?I'm a ugly light skinned girl. That's all I'll ever be.
jordyn walks up beside me and sees Rayan smiling at me.
Jordyn: I think he likes you
Me: no I'M the ugliest girl here
Jordyn: stop saying that the only thing that's ugly Is your insecurity and bruises
No one has told me I wasn't ugly. Rayan walks up to me.
Rayan: you OK?
Rayan:I'M glad your ok
He hugs me and my instincts go out of place.should I hug him back?When I hugged him I felt pain shoot up my shoulder. I let go too fast and scare him.
Rayan:you OK I'M not going to hurt you
Me:Sorry jus not used to this.
Jordyn: we're your friends now don't worry bout anything we got ya back.
Then this girl named Mariah came over to me, she was Melissa's sister.They both hate me so what she had to say wasn't going to be a surprise.
Mariah:can I talk to Myasia alone I look at Rayan & Jordyn and signal them to leave.They look at me then walk off together.
Mariah: stay away from the new boy or I'll tell everyone about your mother fucking that 20 yr.nigga she with.
I didnt care but if word got round my mother would have thought i said something.Then she'll beat me worse then she ever has.I can't risk that.
Me:I'll try
Mariah:what you mean you'll try you gon' do it because he's mine
me:Look I can't keep him away from me
Mariah:well I can't keep my mouth from telling
Me:-sighing-fine I'll tell him to stay away from me
Mariah:good girl
Every time I have people willing to be in my life they always get taken out.I can't have any happiness in my stupid ass life.Not a damn thing.
I walk over to Rayan and tell him and he got upset and gave me his number .He said he'll text me later when he gets home.I sit in a corner and jordyn walks over to me
Jordyn:you ight?
The bell was going to ring in 3 minutes so we decided to go change out.we all went to the locker rooms and I saw Mariah, kelly ,& Melissa talking about me .
Jordyn:ignore them they jus bein ignorant
I dont say anything I put on my clothes and then the bell rings.I go to lunch and sit by myself.I sat at the table with my head down.I seen jordyn flirting with Elijah he was a popular boy,but he didn't mess with me. Mariah was messing with Rayan.I didn't really eat ,because I hate myself and everyone says I'M getting big.I can't stay here any more.I walk out the cafeteria,then grab my phone & walked out of school. I didn't care If I got In trouble, what could be worse? I walk to the park and sit on the swing set.
My body still aches from the brutality I've been getting all day. I decided to skip the rest of school and go home.
I see my mother's boyfriends car parked in the drive way.Damn I don't have time for shit today. I unlocked the door with my key and see him sitting on the couch.
Taye: what you doing here early?
I ignore him and walk to my room & lock the door. I hear him beating on the door but I don't unlock it.I know his crazy ass can't break the hinges off the door. I put my head phones on and fall asleep listening to the crying game by Nicki Minaj.
Aye y'all,
This was a sad chapter they need to chill out on some real shit.
Will someone admit feelings for Myasia?
Will things spin out of control?
Will Jordyn turn on Myasia?
Stay tuned.....
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Love y'all ♡

The crying GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora