Im so sorry Scar.

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Rheas POV:

I was a fucking mess. When Scar left me, on the sidewalk. I almost fucking tried to kill my self. I deserve it anyways, I'm so mad at myself.

I decided to just walk to my house, when I reached there I opened and closed the door. I petted Barry and Luna and I pored myself a glass of water.

Bloody hell.

I threw the glass of water on the floor storming up to my room. I slammed the door shut and just broke down. I attempted to call Damien or Raquel or Dom or somone, but fuck it I desvered this. 

Scarlett's POV:

I was in my apartment texting Becky about all of this. I chugged down a big bottle of wine, I really didn't care. I was too heartbroken. Rhea didn't even tell me what the fuck I did. I decided to stop texting Becky and put my phone down.

Than I heard a knock at my door. Who the hell could that be? I took a peep and realized it was goddamn Rhea.

Why was she hear, what was this. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. "What?" I said anoyed crossing my arms Rhea looked troubled.

"We need to talk." I could hear the pain in her heart.

"Why." I said my voice slowly started to break, as Rhea started to come in and closed the door and lead me towards the couch. As Rhea sat next to me pulling my hand in her palm.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness or anything, I just need to talk to you about this. Please baby."

God she couldn't just call me that, I wonder though I knew that she'd do anything for me in this state right now. Maybe I'd get my way.

"Fine go on." I said with my voice sounding wobbly.

"The reason I broke up with you is because, I was scared."


What the fuck could she be scared about.

"Scared of what?" I said rolling my eyes anoyed.

"I get mad easily and it's hard to handle, I'm scared I'll hurt you Scar." She said I could hear the worrness in her voice.

"Mhm, you wouldn't I know you won't."

"I don't know, just please baby I'm so sorry." Rhea said storaking my thigh.

"First, while I walked away remember? When you broke up I saw Damien and asked him and he said my fault and stuff." I was honestly really confused about what Damien said durning that day.

"What? Oh he probably was just mad at the whole situation he really cares about me scar. And he hates seeing me mad a lot and whoever makes me mad well he sorta hates that person for a while." Rhea said smiling.

"I made you mad?" I asked nervously.

Rheas face fell but respond quickly, "No you didn't, I made myself mad. Thinking I wasn't good enough for you ever since I found out Austin had a fucking crush on you, and Damien thought you made me mad that's why."

It made sense, she was getting moody and it makes sense that Damien would be overprotective of Rhea they had like a sibling best friend relationship. It was cute. I forgave Rhea already but I wasn't letting her go so easily, she still hurt me.

"Look Rhea I forgive you, but I'm sorry you hurt me I haven't been myself and I know you won't do it again but we need to take it slow this time." I said softly.

"Oh. I understand I just don't want to lose you, your my lovely nightmare I love you so much Scar I'm really sorry."

She took it calmly than I expected I'm proud of her to be honest.

"I know you are." I said smiling.

"I'd do anything for you right now anything name it." Rhea said it seemed like she meant it.

"If I told you to finger fuck me in an airplane would you?" It was obviously a joke but I wondered what she would say.

"Than I'm finger fucking you in an airplane." Rhea said with a grin.

I laughed a bit.

"I have one question." Rhea sat up as she said that.

"Yeah?" I answered softly.

"Who was that guy. On the sidewalk?"

I sigh I knew I had to tell her at some point guess right now was the time. "An old friend from California."

Rhea raised an eye brow but answered "How lold is he?"

"Same age as us 27."

"Why is he suddenly here do I need to watch out for any crazy exes?"

I laugh a bit,"don't worry he's just in town. And no you do not."

Rhea just rolled her eyes and stood up and sat on the bed pulling me in to her.


Rhea just kissed the top of my forehead and we stayed like that for hours, until we had to go to Raw. It was our last raw untill we had to go to Australia for the Elmation chamber, I was so happy for Rhea.

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