Iv always been yours, kiss me.

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I was in shock he was here, and coming my fucking way. Fuck.

"Scarlett!" Austin voice was in exicement.

"Uh yeah hi." I responded wanting to get away fast before rhea finds out.

"Your in the PLE?"

I nodded looking the other way for a second standing up seeing..fuck rhea.

"Hey look-I need to go.." I needed to go so rhea doesn't rip out Austins head off. He put a strong grip on my shoulder not letting me go fuck.

"Aw come on stay."

"Look I-" Before I could fully respond rhea came out of no where removing Austins grip on me.

"Leave her the bloody hell alone." rhea said glaring right into his soul, than right into mine. Austin put his hands up but giving me a wink than walking away. Than rhea grabbed my hand tighly pushing me into her locker room slamming the door shut, than slamming me to the wall.

"You think this is fucking funny huh?"

"Leaving me iv been looking for you for hours."

I felt bad. I didn't mean to leave her I just kinda got lost. "I got lost I didn't mean to lose you." I explained to her, but she just rolled her eyes giving me a very cold stare that she gives her opminets.

"Was My pre-waring at the airport not fucking enough? You are to stay with me at all times here. I don't trust you alone right now esspiecly when were across the whole bloody world."

i understood her, but I'm an aldult I can keep myself safe. "This is your place though." Rhea just rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"Yeah? Still though you could of gotten even more lost have you ever even been to austrailla before?"

I shook my head,"No I havent this is my first time."

"Your fucking lucky that I love you scar and I mean that." Rhea responed moving away.

"I know." I said smiling.

After that we went outside it was pretty hot, I wore a white tank top with some baggy jeans we walked around, rhea showing the places her face is adorable when shes happy.

"Scar come on Iv been wating forever for you too try vegtima, its my favorite thing."

Of course I accepted it, and tried it it tasted good I favored the bread more than the sause or whatever it comes with.

"You like it?" Rhea asked gently. I nodded and that made her smile.

"Hey rhea since im here do I get to meet your parents.?" I asked with a bit of nervoument.

"Soon baby." She put my hair behind my head. "That Egeard to be with me?"

I shrugged.

"You're not marrying anyone else."

"I know, I don't want too." I smiled. And she kissed me while we walked out, the only thing I was really scared of here was the spiders Rhea didn't know my phobia yet. Anyways we went back to the hotel and there and be hold a big ass spider.

"RHEA FUCK." I went behind her crying my eyes out I couldn't speak through my sobs and she held me tight.

"Baby-calm down." Rhea tried to ease me I noticed she laughed a bit.

"Dont fucking laugh kill it."

"Kill it?" Rhea said amusing.

"YES PLEASE YOU DONT UNDERSATND." I said crying more and she quickly moved and I hugged my self and she killed it with no problems at all coming towards me trying to calm me down.

"Scar? Look at me you can't even look at me."

I just layed my head in her chest crying.

"Scar..baby I didn't know you had a fear of spiders."

"I-Have a phobia over them."

"Why didn't you tell me this before..I couldn't have knew." Rheas voice had a pinch of sadness I felt bad.


"Dont be love is there anything to calm down you?"


Rhea smiled and we hoped in the blanket I was wearing some pink pgs and Rhea a black T-shirt and shorts putting her arm around me we watched mama Mia.

Time skip

It was the day of the PLE I was so nervous getting ready, oh but Rhea was more nervous. I couldn't blame her, her parents friends family was all gonna be there front row.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands around me it was rheas when I looked at her I was amazed she looked..perfect.

"Rhea! Omg you look incredible." I smile at her and she just chuckles.

"Mhm I know baby, but you make sure you don't get hurt or I will kill whoever hurt you. Anyone anytime." She whispered in my ear.

"I know anyways I need to go wish me luck?"

Rhea kissed my hand, "all the luck kill it scar."

I smiled and left to the PLE. Oh and it was hard when my time came out I got beaten hard, I didn't know much werslings move because my experience..but damn. At the end Becky Lyhee won by pinning Liv. I was only a little hurt not too much, but once the women's elmation chamber it was time for the main event..Rheas.

I was backstage watching in awe rhea killed it, she fucking won. I could see her getting a little emotional but I was so proud of her she sat on top of the barricade and put her arm around her sister Calista and soak up the moment after that Damein was hugging Rhea so Dom and Finn even Jd than Rhea came to me.

"I couldn't be more prouder Rhea." I said to her and she just picked me up kissing me.

"I know. I love you." Rhea said.

I smiled.

"Hang on I'll be right back." Rhea said leaving. I just stood there waiting untill I saw Cathy Kelly coming up to me with a death stare I didn't know why.

"Scarlett be careful because Rhea is cheating on you she's dating me."

I looked shocked I couldn't belive this there was no way Rhea would.

"There's no way-" before I could even finish she shoved her phone in my face showing. A video of her and Rhea.. Cathy was saying along the lines of "iv always been yours kiss me." And Rhea kissed her in the video.

I felt tears running through my eyes untill Cathy left I covered my tears up as rheas Faimly came aslong. Rheas put her arm around my shoulder and began to speak.

"Guys this is my-" I wouldn't even let her finding the sentence.

"Her friend here. Nice to meet you all." I shaked rheas family's hand they looked confused so did rhea.

"Anyways I need to go bye." And I just walked off not Turing back I went back to the hotel room crying.

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