Chapter 1

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- Are you sure about this?

- It's the only way, possible that he will not manage to end me.

I will send him to this dimension.

Have a life, found somebody that will stand by you for the rest of your life.

Remember who you are ...


What a headache.

Where am I?

Grass? wait was I asleep. I don't remember anything, who am I? Why am I here.

I only remember a reflection of me saying, remember who you are, remember who you are.

I better get up, and see what is this place.

What are these giant towers, what strange clothes the people are wearing, huh what the hell is in my wrist?

A TATTOO!? AND IT HAS A STRANGE C SIGN. What the hell is happening.

*Crowd noise*

What's that noise?

There are a bunch of people.

I'll go ask.

- Excuse me what is happening

- Oh, it's the festival of the red moon.

- Red moon?

- Yes, the red moon, they say that it only happens every 15 years and it will happen in 3 weeks.

- So why are they celebrating?

- They are celebrating the expulse of the vampires that curiously happened three weeks before the red moon, so let's say it's like a prepare for the great event.

- Vampires. Sounds interesting.

- Yes, but legend has it that not all the vampires were expulsed, but when a red moon appears, they're hunger of blood gets more dangerous and they will do anything to fill that hunger.

But it's just story's, fake stuff.

- Ok I guess.

*walking by the street*

Vampires? I guess that happened when this city was still a village and literally that was centuries ago.

How would it feel to be a vampire? I guess that not good.

*hears crying's*

Huh. And that noise?

It comes from over there.

A box?

AHH it moves!!

Wait ...

*opens it *

A cub?

A piece of paper.

*reads it*

Whoever that finds this note, I ask you to take care of this cub. Give him a home and a good life, not like us. His name is Xavier and we hope he will find a caring home.

Oh, so you are alone buddy?

Its okay I am also alone, and you will be with me and we both will go forward.

Come on.

*They walk away*

Now where do we go.

*Feels something in his pocket *

Twilight Under The Red MoonWhere stories live. Discover now