Chapter 13

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*Joseph's view*


*Rushes to the bedroom*

*Shuts the door*


This is very weird.

All of them have the same eye color.

The pale skin...

Are they like Francisco?

No, Francisco cannot be a vampire.

He can't be one...

*Someone knocks the door*

- Who is it?

- It's me, Francisco.

- Oh, come in.

- *Enters*

- Francisco why are you...

- I'm what?

- Umm, nothing.

- I was wondering something.

- What thing?

- Let's go for a walk.

- Walk? At midnight?

- Yep.

- If you say so.

*They walk outside the mansion*

- And how come you want to walk with me?

- Well, if noticed that you've been strange.

- Strange?

- Kinda.

- What do you mean?

- You've been very quiet, you are not fun anymore.

- Fun?

- I didn't mean it in that way, but you haven't been smiling and also you always seem worried.

- "He's right" Oh, it's nothing I'm ok.

- Do you want to talk with me.

- "Well I'm a little scared of him, but there is something I want to confess him" Ok, where can we sit down?

- Let's go by the lake.

- Ok.

*They sit down by the lake*

- Let's talk.

- *Sights* Francisco.

- Yes?

- I have a really dark secret from my past.

- What is wrong?

- Were your family good to you?

- I guess, I don't actually remember anything.

- Did somebody ever hurt you?

- Joseph why are you asking me this?

- Someone did hurt me?

- Who was it?

- It was somebody of my own family.

- What!?

- It was my own father Francisco.

- *Shocked* What did he do to you?

- He... abused me...

- Gabriel did that!?

- Yes... I was 16 back then.

- I just want to beat up his old ass!!

- Francisco... it's in the past. It doesn't matter anymore.

- But this...

- Look my dad is old now and he doesn't have much time left. Let time decide what would happen to him.

- Mmm ok...

- Francisco.

- Yes?

- I want to go home.

- Back to Seattle?

- Yes.

- We have been here just for two days now.

- I know but, I miss Seattle.

- I know what is wrong with you.

- What are you saying?

- *Stands up* It's because I never took you to the play room right.

- What!?

- Tell me the truth, is that why you are acting strange.

- "Fuck, he's right" Yes ok!! I just want to get fucked up by you, but it seems like if you are trying to keep your dick far away from me.

- Joseph, why are you always insisting me to have sex with you!?

- Because I need that, I really need it.

- Joseph, you just told me that you were traumatized by what your dad made you.

- I was young, I didn't even know what I really like!!

- Joseph stop this madness.

- Why, if I'm your submissive.

Why don't you take me!?

- Joseph I said stop.

- No tell me now.

- Joseph!!

- Tell me!!


- Normal relationship!?

- Joseph, I also need this, but I want to change, so please stop insisting!

- Then why do you want me to stay with you!?

- Because I fell in love with you, you are the only submissive that could understand me.

You never lurked behind my money, you never insisted me to buy you something.

That is why I fell in love with you, you are not like the others.

You are a good person.

I'm asking you to please understand me, and stop insisting so much.

- *Gasps* Francisco...

- *Looks at him*

- *Tear drops* Is that true...

- Yes, Joseph, I not only consider you as my submissive, but also as if you were my family, I truly love you.

- Francisco I'm so sorry, I promise I will stop insisting, please forgive me.

- Oh come here. *Hugs him*

- *Hugs him back*

- We will go back home ok.

- Thank you...

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