Chapter 2

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8 years later...

- Xavier!!!

Hurry up your going to get late for school!!

- Coming dad!!

*Xavier comes down*

- Ready dad.

- Do you have your backpack?

- Yes dad.

- Did you brush your teeth?

- Yes dad.

- Did you put on perfume.

- YES dad. Can we go now?

- Ok, get in the elevator.

*arrives to the parking lot *

- Get in hurry up!!

*gets in*

- Seatbelt!


- Ready!!

- Let's go.

*They hear the radio*

Two people were found dead by the woods, and both had marks on the neck. Experts and hunters said that it maybe was an animal that did this terrible act.

- Let's hear something else.

- Two people dead?

- It's nothing Xavier.

Look we arrived.

- Oh right.

*stops the car*

- Ok, have a great day of school bud.

- Ok dad, see you later.


*phone rings*

- Hello.

- Hello, I'm about to get to your place.

- Ok, enter and get ready in the play room.

- As you wish sir.

*arrives *

- Here I am sir.

- As you wished I'm ready now.

- Wait me in the play room, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

- Fine, you won't regret it, I will make you come yourself.

- Ok ok, shut up already.

- You are mean; I'll wait for you.

*Meanwhile with Xavier*

- Good morning class!!

- *all* Good morning!!

- We have a new student.

Come in Brandon.

Say hi.

- H...hi everyone.

- *Xavier blushes*

- *all*Hello Brandon.

- Ok Brandon, you can sit over there.

Next to ... Xavier.

- Ok teacher.

*Xavier blushes *

- Your Xavier right?

- Mm, yes.

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