Chapter 9

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*Three days later*

- Ok Joseph, are you ready to go?

- Yep.

- Come one.

The taxi must be waiting for us.

*They get in the elevator*

*They get out the building*

*They get in the taxi*

- Where do you guys want me to take you.

- To the airport, please.

- Ok.

*They arrive to the airport*

- Wow, the airport is huge.

- For real, it's like a labyrinth.

But we still have time to get our flight.

Do you want to eat something?

- Ok.

*They go a sandwich place*

- Good evening sirs, how can I help you today?

- Choose whatever you want Joseph.

- Hmm... a ham sandwich please, and Francisco what would you like?

- *Crap if I don't order something he will notice*

Th..the same thing please.

- Ok, two ham sandwiches. Anything else?

- Two coffees please.

- Alright. If you hear the desk bell chime, come for your orders.

- Thank you.

*They go sit down*

- I'm impressed Francisco, it's the first time I see you finally order food.

- Ehh... yep of course he-he.

*10 minutes later*

*They hear the bell chime*

- Oh it must be ready, I'll get it.

- Ok.

*Gets to the counter*

- Ok sir here is your food.

- Thank you, here is a tip.

- Oh I appreciate it so much, have a good flight.

- Thanks.

*Gets back to the table*

- I'm back!

- You took so long.

- Sorry.

- Just kidding ha-ha.

- He-he.

Well this one is yours and this one is mine.

*They both grab their food*

*Joseph looks at Francisco straightly*

- Joseph, are you ok?

- Everything ok, *keeps looking at him*

- Uhh... why are you looking at me like that?

- Like what?

- What do you want to see for god sake?

- Just eat your sandwich.

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