Chapter 11

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*Jake's view*

- When you we're born, it was a joy for us all. You were the only child that the Cordova had.

Of course, this happened when the Cordova were still human back then. They were very distance by that fact.

The Acker family didn't want to have nothing with them, they were rejected just because they were human.

- So you're saying that me and my family were human?

- Indeed.

- But our ancestors were vampires, aren't we supposed to be vampires as well?

- Look, the only way of turning yourself into a vampire is by the bite of one. And your family rejected it.

- So they didn't want to be vampires?

- Yes, but except one.

- Who?

- Jerlis and Gisela Cordova.

- The only thing that I knew is that they wanted to join the Volturi.

- What do you exactly know?

- I only know that they wanted to join the Volturi and that they wanted me to join as well as soon I became a vampire.

And that if I resist they would...

- They would what?

- They would kill me...

- How do you know that stuff?

- I've seen it, I think it's one of Jerlis memories.

- You said that you could only see visions of what could happen in the future or if it already happened in the past.

- I know, but what about if ... I could also see the memories of another person?

- Maybe.

- Do you know Jerlis?

- Well, not much, but I know the necessary.

- Tell me what you know.

- Ok.

So, in that time Jerlis was 4 years older than you. He was very intelligent, strong, handsome, and he had a very good reputation. So he was basically the family's pride.

- What happened later?

- Something changed in him, he became rebellious and he always insisted in becoming a vampire.

- And what about his parents?

- They disowned him. He ran away from home for 2 weeks, but he finally came back.

But he changed.

- Changed?

- He came back, but as a vampire... and his gift was the most terrifying of all.

- What!?

What is his gift!?

- Do you know the integrates of the Volturi Clan?

- No.

- Let me talk to you about Jane.

- Who's Jane?

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