Chapter 14

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*The next morning*

*Francisco's view"

- Aww guys do you really have to go?

- Yes, Jake.

- We will miss you guys.

- *Hugs him* We will also miss you guys.

- You guys are welcomed in our home at any time.

- Thank you so much Jake for your hospitality.

- At any time, Francisco.

- We must get going, the taxi is here.

- Oh ok. Have a good flight.

- Thank you.

- Francisco, I'll go put the things in the taxi.

- Oh ok Joseph.

- *Leaves*

- Alright, time to go.

- Francisco wait.

- What's wrong?

- Before you leave, I want to give you something.

*Shows a box with a necklace and a ring*

*Takes out the necklace*


*Putting the necklace in Francisco*

This necklace has passed through out Cordova generations.

And now, it's yours.

- Wow.

- *Takes out the ring*

This is also yours.

It was your father's marriage ring.

It's made out of pure silver, and it has incrusted little pieces of diamond and ruby.

- Thank you so much Jake.

- You remind me of my sister.

- Who is your sister?

- Your mother.

- My mom?

- She and Carlos fell in love, and ignored the fact that our families were vampires.

That is how The Cordova and The Guerrero's got along.

- But the Davel and the Acker?

- You will find that out later.

- Farewell Jake.

- Goodbye Francisco.

*Francisco leaves*

- What took you so long?

- Oh, nothing I was just talking with Jake.

- Ok.

*They get in the taxi*

*They arrive to the airport and the plane*

- Ok our seats are here.

- Nice.

*They hear the pilot speak from a speaker*

"Ladies and Gentlemen, out next stop. Seattle!"

*They arrive to Seattle*

*They arrive to the ESCALA apartments*

*They enter the Penthouse*

- Oh God, how I missed this place.

- In two days?

- Yes he-he.

*Incoming call*




- Yes?

- It's Xavier.

- Answer, Answer!

- *Answers*

- Is this thing working?

- Xavier!

- Oh, hey dads.

- How are you?

- Well, good I guess.

And you guys?

- Good as well.

- I'm happy to hear that.

- What about Brandon?

- Well he is taking a shower ha-ha.

*Brandon's voice in the back*

-No seas sapo!!

- Perdon bebe.

- How about your studies?

- Guess what grades we have.

- How much?

- A and A+ in every subject.

- Wow, congrats my boys.

- Brandon!

*Brandon's voice in the back*

- Si que paso?

- Mi papa nos felicita por haber pasado todas las materias.

*Brandon's voice in the back*

-Gracias Señor Cordova!

- He says that thanks.

- How come Brandon speaks Spanish now?

- He is practicing.

- Well, he does know Spanish indeed.

- Yep.

- I'll let you talk with Joseph now.

- Oh ok dad.

- Bye, take care.

- Bye dad.

*Francisco leaves*

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