Chapter 15

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*Francisco's view*

"I think I'll go to my studio"

*Goes upstairs*

*Has a vision*


*Falls from the stairs*

- Francisco!!

*Rushes to help him*


"You want to punish me!?"

"Yes I want to punish you right now"

"Let me tell you I feel the same when you try to stay away from me.

When you don't let me touch you!

Would you still want to punish me?"

*Scene changes*

"No Francisco."

"*Keeps walking towards him*"

"Francisco stop"

"*Keeps walking towards him*"



"*Enters the elevator*"



*Elevator shuts*"

*Regains his consciousness*

- *Gaps* What happened?

- You fell down the stairs. Are you ok?

- Oh, yes.

- What do we do now?

- Do you want to go out?

- But where?

- Hmm, *Smiles* I know where.

- Huh?

- Are you afraid of heights?

- Of course not.

- Good, let's go.

*They drive out the city*

- Where are we going?

- It's a surprise.

- I think I already reached my limit of surprises.

- This will we worth it.

*They get to an aircraft center*

We're here.

- Airplanes?

- Yes.

- What are we going to do?

- Oh wait, there is our pilot.

- *Approaches* Good afternoon Mr. Cordova.

- Hello Drake, this is Joseph krom, he will be with me.

- Oh, it's a pleasure Mr. Krom.

- Same.

- So guys, do we start?

- Of course.

- Follow me.

- *They follow Drake*

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