Chapter 25: The Magic Finger Experience

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August 2015

After your interview with Sera and a bite to eat, you checked into a motel on the outskirts of the city. Your joint plan was to have an early night and head out to Kripke's Hollow first thing in the morning but your brain had other ideas and Dean had his own.

"Sammy told you not to watch porn on that thing," he said as he stepped out of the bathroom wearing only his towel. A trail of wet footprints on the crimson-coloured carpets followed him because he hadn't dried off properly.

The room was trying to be fancy. There was a casino theme going on, maybe? Poker to be more specific. Unless they were going for Disney's Queen of Hearts, judged solely by the white rabbit in various forms scattered around the room. The tiles in the bathroom had been checkerboard linoleum and the table you now sat at had been refurbished and painted to look like marble.

While you weren't doing as Dean had suggested, you were on your laptop and one of your hands was below the surface of the table. Your state of dress made you look even less innocent with only underwear on your lower half and an oversized t-shirt concealing your hand.

"He told you that..." you stated flatly. "And I wasn't."

He lowered his head suggestively but the huge smirk on his face disappeared as he continued to speak his mind condescendingly. "Yeah, well as long as you're not looking into the overseas thing. We're here to get some sleep."

He unwrapped his towel and brought it up to his face, wiping it downwards in one fluid motion. With his head covered, luckily for you, he didn't notice the grimace you gave. Though thanks to the view in front of you, your eyes were occupied too. Mesmerised by all the things Sera had unfairly dismissed earlier.

She knew nothing. He was perfect, just as he was. Freckles and scars included.

"You like what you see sweetheart?" he said cockily when he noticed you ogling. His eyes were dazzling as ever and lit up in amusement to go along with that shit-eating grin you loved so much.

"You know it," you grinned back at him. "That poster Sera had, has nothing on the real Dean Winchester."

"Oh yeah? But do I have book me's moves too?" He winked before humping the air

He was attractive but that slapping sound wasn't, and your face screwed up as you looked down and away. "Sam called while you were in there. They made it to Bedford," you said as a way to steer the conversation away from his nakedness.

In hindsight, mentioning his brother at the time probably wasn't your best idea, especially after what had just transpired but it was too late.

Dean muttered something under his breath that you didn't quite catch and then moved to get dressed. He hopped on his right foot to put his left foot through the corresponding hole of his boxers, then swapped sides to do the other and asked, "Pennsylvania?"

"I guess so." You shrugged as he walked over to you.

When he reached you at the table, he bent down and ran his hands along your bare thighs, expertly keeping his weight off of you to lean in further and capture your mouth in a lingering kiss. Your own hands came up to his cheeks to keep him from moving too far as he pulled away from you. His eyes reflected his trademark grin in them but it disappeared when he took a glance at your laptop. "Department of Home Affairs," he said in disapproval as he read the words on the screen.

"Told you it wasn't porn," you joked.

Unfortunately, your attempt to lighten the mood didn't work because his face screwed up and his chin receded into his neck with your hands still resting above it. "This is worse."

 Abducted: Part Three (SPN | Dean x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora