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"Why isn't Ibrahim here?" I asked, staring at their sad expressions. I looked at them in confusion, waiting for one of them to respond. "He's not part of the mafia anymore, he left." Silas mumbled sternly. I decided to not question it anymore, because it seemed to make them upset. 

But I became curios, wanting to know. "Oh, so he won't come back anymore?" 

"No." Silas shook his head and I nodded in response. "Let's not talk about this traitor, he doesn't deserve to be talked about." Marco gripped on the cup of water he held in his hand. Why were they all so angry with Ibrahim? What did he do? 

All this questions popped up in my head one after the other. I wanted answers to all of them. "Okay, so can anybody explain what happened?" Asma asked confused. "He basically chose a girl that betrayed us, over us, because he loved her, he refused to bring her but she leaked information." Marco shrugged.

Ibrahim didn't seem like he would ever do that. I took a sip of my orange juice and decided to stand up. I wanted to do some things, but first I had to ask for permission. "I'm heading upstairs, I have things to do." I mumbled. 

As I walked up the stairs, I heard noises, screams of a voice I knew too well. It came from a room that was across from Thiagos office. I hesitated to keep on walking, because I knew this voice but I couldn't really tell who it was. It was so familiar. As I stepped closer to the door, I finally could recognize who it was. Chesco.

I barged into the room and found a hammer on the floor, which was covered in blood. "I know you won't give up, but I won't tell you." he chuckled weakly. My heart started to pound as I stepped closer, hiding behind the wall. I slowly took a peak and regretted it right after. Chesco had bruises and cuts all over his body. They tortured him.

Moments later, I had enough of hearing him scream. "Don't touch him!" I yelled and the guy turned around in shock. He took out a gun and pointed it at me. I backed away and raised my hands up in defense. "Put that down. Now!" Chesco shouted trying to release his arms from the ropes. "Please, don't hurt him, what did he do?" I asked, afraid to raise my voice.

"If you don't leave now, I will shoot you." the guy said calmly, but it sounded to frightening. "Okay, okay, but I just want to know why he's here." I swallowed hard and took a step back with every word I said. "I'm not the person to ask. Leave before I kill both of you!"

I ran out of the room and walked up to my room as tears filled my eyes. It got hard to breathe. I took my phone and called Thiago. "Is everything al-" 

"What did Chesco do to you? Why are you torturing him?!" I shouted as a tear rolled down my face. "For your own safety." I hung up the phone and decided to go back to that room. I stormed in and picked up a metal rod that laid on the floor. I quietly walked towards them and hit him with full force on his head, causing him to fall from the chair he sat in. 

Chesco stared at me in awe, as he struggled to keep his eyes opened. He wasn't wearing anything except for sweatpants. His chest was covered in cuts that bled nonstop. He had busted up lips and a blue eye. "Chesco." I whispered as I let the metal rod fall to the floor. I approached him and cut the ropes with the pocket knife that was in the pocket of the guy whose body laid on the floor. "Alara why are you doing this, I don't deserve to be saved." Chesco cried out in pain. 

"Don't say that, no one deserves this." I shut my eyes to stop the tears from falling. I hated when someone watched me cry. "Come on, help me." I whimpered as I tried to help him on his feet. His body was far too weak to do it himself. I wrapped his one arm around my shoulder to support him. "Why didn't you let him kill me, I'm going to get you in trouble, Alara." 

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