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I couldn't shake off the feeling of disgust that filled my heart. How could they accuse me for killing and raping a little girl. My soul was shattered when I heard why I got arrested. I was so shocked -even more than the police officer. I wasn't sure if I would get out of here anymore and have my freedom. But one thing I was sure of, Mika Koskinen will regret what he did. 

"Where were you on Sunday afternoon?" He proceeded to ask, his green eyes piercing into mine. "I was at home." I answered, confident there is not a single person who could say otherwise. The officers eyes dart to my hands that were placed on the table. I didn't fidget with my hands, nor were they shaking. 

With a slight nod, he continues to question with who I was and what I was doing, if I take any drugs or consume alcohol regularly. 

"I was with my brother." I lied. I was with Alara, but I couldn't involve her with this.

"No, I do not take drugs or drink alcohol regularly. I do smoke, but no drugs." I said with a low tone. This time it was the truth. 

"Well, there isn't any proof that you committed this crime, sir. But we have an eyewitness and she is on her way right now. She must be here in a moment." His eyes shot to his watch, Santos de Cartier to be exact. My heart was about to jump out of my chest when I heard that there would be a witness. An eyewitness. Who could it possibly be? 

The sound of heels against the concrete floor pulled me out of my thoughts, making me freeze in horror. The steps became clearer and louder before it stopped, meaning she was behind the door. The door handle was pushed down and a young woman in sunglasses was revealed. She wore a red lipstick and had her hair in a ponytail. Then it hit me.

By her walk, every move she made it became more obvious it was her. My heart pounded against my chest and I felt like someone had punched me. Like the world had slapped me across the face. "Have a seat Ms. Koskinen." The officer pointed at the chair next to me. She walked over and sat down. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

I felt betrayed, stabbed into my heart and buried alive. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My aunt, Mikas wife, betrayed me for the second time. It's all happening again and I couldn't do anything about it. A lump formed in my throat and tears threatened to fall. I was getting weaker and weaker. Before she started to speak, she sat down and cleared her throat, taking off the sunglasses. "Thiago, I haven't seen you in such a long time. How come you became a rapist and a murderer?" Her forcing out the Spanish accent of hers shocked me. She doesn't talk like that usually.

She said it almost trying to mock me, as if she was making fun of me. I let out a low chuckle and swallowed hard, forcing down the lump that had built up in my throat. I couldn't show how angry I was. "I think we should ask your husband, shall we?" Her face went pale for a second but she was a professional at hiding her true emotions. The corners of my lips tugged up, forming a smirk. The officer watched as we argued back and forth. At some point he started loosing his patience due to the negativity lingering in the air. "Enough!" 

I wonder where all of this is going. 


Days went by when I found myself still sitting in this filthy cell. How could I possibly end up like this? I jump up when I find the officer I haven't seen in days stand in front of me. "Time for a shower, isn't it?" He cracks a smile and shakes his head at my words. "No showers anymore, no filthy breakfast as well. You are innocent." My face lights up with a smile and I feel free again. My eyes burn with the tiredness and lack of sleep of all these nights. 

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